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        Have you ever felt the need to punch someone with a burning passion? So much that you feel like crying? I don't get this feeling often, but when I do, it's not a pleasure. Take now as an example. There is this girl that wil not leave me alone!

        She keeps bugging me at my locker. Honestly, it's way too early to be dealing with her. The worst part? She's my step sister. Keisha, my 'step sister', keeps bothering for no apparent reason, listing off all my flaws, and agitating me. At the moment, punching this girl sounds amazing. Though she does have to throw the first hit in order for me not to get in trouble and have a mark on my perfect permanent record.

"Why are you even breathing? It's not like anyone would care for a waste of space like you!" Keisha said rudely. Her voice is most awful thing I have ever heard apart from bad X Factor auditions. She is the so called 'Queen Bee' of the school while I'm miss goody two shoes. 

        I closed my eyes and rolled my eyes before opening them again. She is so annoying, honestly. Seriously, can she not shut up for more than two seconds!? I slammed my locker shut, causing her to jump back in shock from my outburst, and pivoted on my heel, walking away. I cannot deal with her right now.

"I'm not done talking with you, you little b*tch!" And then she's off again, bitching to minions about how she should be respected, blah blah blah... Brat.

        I sighed inaudibly and walked into my first class, English. I took a seat in the seat nearest to the window on the far right side of the room. The teacher, Mr. Terry, was already here, sorting out some papers. Besides him there was a kid sleeping in the corner. Weird guy. I still had fifteen minutes until class started, so I took out my doodle notebook. It's just this book I carry aroundwith me where I express my feelings into drawings. Like when people who have problems have there razor to cut their skin, I have my pen to destroy this paper. One time when I wanted to self harm, I drew a razor cutting into an arm once with blood writing the word, 'worthless.' Of course no one has seen any of these, I would never show a living soul this.

       Most of the class have arrived by the time the bell rang. Right before Mr. Terry bagan the lesson, the door opened with a bang. And in came Caden Williams.


I hope you enjoyed this. I would have written more but I am so sleepy. Maybe next time!? ;)

Thanks checking this book out and Love ya!!!!






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