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You have a reason to sneak out, and you're ready to sneak out. Such matters take preparation, and not taking caution will be one of your biggest mistakes, especially if your parents are strict.

The very first step in planning to sneak out, especially if you're a newbie, is planning out an escape route. Are you going to leave through the front door or the back door? Is there anything loud that you might encounter on your way sneaking down the stairs, etc. Here are some tips...

 - Creaky doors/floors: be very slow; if the creak is very loud, slightly move your foot/the door every 30 seconds. Believe me when I say that patience is key. Don't risk your entire plan for the sake of being impatient.

- VERY IMPORTANT: If you are suspicious that someone is awake and is aware that you are awake, SAVE IT FOR NEXT TIME. Tell your friend you can't meet up with them that night. The time when I failed sneaking out is because my mom had been suspicious of why I was up at 2:30 in the morning, but I was too rushed to go and meet my friend at the designated time because I was already late, so I ignored the fear of maybe that my mom had been awake and fully aware that I was awake and "snuck out" anyway. My mom eventually became suspicious and went to my room to check on me to find out that I was completely gone, and yes, I was caught. Believe me when I say the consequences will be a lot more severe if your parents catch you sneaking out in comparison to telling your friend(s) you can't meet up with them that night. Your friend(s) will forgive you and understand the situation if they're mentally capable to understand that sneaking out is risky as actual fuck.

Find out the most efficient way to leave the house. This is going to completely vary depending on your house and your house plan. Don't take the procedure so lightly. Make sure to think deeply about the most efficient way to leave your house to prevent the most noise and remain in unawareness. If you can avoid a certain path that would cause the most creaks, avoid it.

The second step in planning to sneak out is to plan out your clothes in advance. You can try to dress up cute, but remember that being practical and maintaining anonymity is FAR more important than dressing up. I suggest that you wear dark colors, not black, like dark purple and dark blue. Here are the color options:

Black: 5/10. This isn't a wise choice for camouflage, yet if you're desperate and have no other choice, go ahead and choose this option.

Dark blue/dark purple: 7/10. Dark blue and dark purple will be the best for camouflage because most shadows tend to fall in that color range.

Dark grey: 7/10. It works out just as fine as dark blue and dark purple.

Green: 6-8/10. This is best for blending in with grass, weeds, bushes, and trees.

Brown: 6-7/10. This is best for blending in woody areas, yet it can still work for sneaking out in other locations.

Any other colors: 0-3/10. Don't try to choose other colors unless you believe that it will be the most advantageous in maintaining cover.

For the actual clothing that you wear, the main objective is to camouflage and hide your identity, particularly your face and your skin color. For clothing, wear long-sleeved hoodies or jackets (don't wear shirts; it's probably cold) and long-lengthed pants. Make sure to wear socks and shoes which don't expose any of your skin around your ankles. For your hands, it's preferable you simply wear a hoodie with pockets so if someone was near and you had to pass them, you could just put your hands in your pockets. Especially if you walk past a street-light, it's crucial that you have your ways to not reveal your ethnicity or skin colors. The second part is actually hiding your actual identity―your face. Again, it's best if you have a hoodie with an actual hood that can cover the back of your head and the sides of your face. For your actual face, it's best that you wear a bandana or a sort of mask to prevent any sort of way to understand your facial features. It would be even more beneficial if you have sun-glasses to hide your eyes. Hiding your face and skin color can be very important procedures, especially if you're walking in the light of a streetlamp. 

The third step is being clear on where and when you are going to meet up with whoever you're going to meet up with. Pick a location where you're more likely than not to get caught. Look for areas that are darker to pick a place to hang out. Keep in mind, however, that you shouldn't rush yourself if you know you are going to be late. If you are going to be late, tell them by text. Staying discreet is the most important in sneaking out―not getting caught. 

The fourth step in planning for sneaking out is finding a way to compensate if your parents were suspicious of you being already awake. If you have a lock on your door that you can lock with a pick from the outside, you've definitely hit the jackpot. If not, find a way to place your pillows under your blanket in a way where it looks like you're sleeping. If your mom ended up checking on you that night, you're definitely better off doing that than nothing.

After you have set up these preparation tools, you are ready to execute. Read the next part.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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