Chapter five: To hell and back again

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Picture is of Zenkiath
Azreal's POV

I awoke to Azubis shaking me violently as he looked over his shoulder. i let loose a grown to let him know i was a wake "what......whats wrong" i asked him groggily as i propped myself up onto my elbows. Azubis met my gaze and rolled his eyes at me and forcefully pulled me to my feet"whats wrong" i repeated as he looked over his shoulder again and sniffed the air and made a discussed face. he looked back at me with eyes that were way older then twelve "Azreal listen to me very carefully" he aid sternly and waited two seconds for me to nod "I need you to hold on to my hand as tight as you can If you don't you'll be killed okay........" he paused and i nodded "this is life or death, love....... oh and don't scream" he added with a evil smirk as a took his hand and squeezed it violently. wait what.

the world around me then began to fade into darkness, then into dark sand with falls of lava that snaked around the black sand beached. the sky was black with no moon or stars let alone the thought of a sun. strange creatures flew around in the skys and stood on the black beaches. the let screams and cry's escape what one would think was a mouth. the creatures looked vary different from each other but all seemed to have the same base structure for they all had large bat like wings and varieing sizes of devil horns, they all had tales of different lengths but all had a spear head on the end of them. their skin was red as if they had been scorched and sun burnt at the same time, most of there eyes were a beedy black as they watches us. where were we? i thought to myself. i looked over at Azubis to ask him this very question but no sound came out of my mouth. Azubis' appearance had completely changed, his long chocolate brown curly hair had taken on a darker shade of brown that almost looked black, his skin had taken on the ruby color like the strange creatures around us. he also appeared to have the large bat like wings like the creatures which he was using to fly us though this strange land. Along with that he also had the horns of the creatures though his were rather small and only stuck up about six inches.He seemed rather calm though, his red eyes were closed in concentration but his muscles were relaxed. He held my hand rather firmly but gently at the same time. what was this place? did i look like that? panic began to boil up in my blood was i one of these creatures too? no i couldn't be my parents are both human. i tried to take in deep breathes but the air in this strange place smelled horrible and actually began to make me gag.

the darkness of the other world faded quickly and then transformed back into earth. though we now stood in completely different location. air rushed into my lunges as i took long deep breathes of fresh air. we were now standing on the beach next the waterfall were my double had died. the sun was bright as birds chirped there morning songs, the little lake next to us was moving quickly but calmly over the falls. I looked over at Azubis to see that his red skin was gone and was replaced with his normal deathly pale, his hair was back to its bright brown color and is horns had vanished. He then rolled his shoulder blades and straightened his back and let out a grunt of pain as his bat like wings folded and disappeared into his back. he then met my gaze with a blank expression on his face, his eyes looked like they were a darker red which surprised me, he released my hand and turned away from me "what just happend?" it sounded harsher then i wanted it too but whatever i needed to know. he didnt meet my angry but also curious gaze but instead he watched the trees keeping his back to me. i waited a couple of minutes for him to reply but he didnt "Azubis answer me!" i practically yelled, he didnt even flinch from my out burst but remained quiet and staring at the trees. anger filled my blood why was he just ignoring me?"AZUBIS!" i yelled this time as i grabbed his arm and swang him around to face me; and what i saw scared me. His eyes were bloodshot and there was this darkness that surrounded them, his mouth was formed into a evil smirk. he looked possessed which sent a chill down my back.

quicker then my mind could comprehend Azubis had opened his mouth showing those fangs and lurched forward with inhuman speed and grbbed my arms bit into my neck violently. his teeth ripping threw my skin like paper as he drew more and more blood from my body,i felt the strength in my legs beginning to fail as my vision blur. What was happening i thought we were chill, i felt my body in moment of shock for i could not move my arms to try and push him off of me. his fangs began to dig deeper into my neck more viciously than before. then he stoped and removed his teeth and lifted his head from my neck and looked around but still keeping my arms in firm and aggressive grip. maybe hes come to his senses i allowed myself to hope. he then let go of my arms and i dropped the ground barrly holding onto consciousness , i watched as he looked around at the trees then back to me with my black blood dripping from his mouth and a hungry look in his eyes that scarred the shit out of me. he then bent down next to me with a wicked smirk on his now unrecongnizable face, then there was a loud snap as Azubis' body crumpled to the ground motionles i coulden't help but feel a bit relieved by this but that ws soon wiped away by sadness then fear. as i beheld who was my rescuer was.

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