At this I felt indignation on Warren's behalf. How could she cheat on Warren? Was she blind? How could anyone who had the good fortune to have Warren's love want anything else, much less an average human?

Then I remembered that Warren, who had Caitlin for a girlfriend, had come after me, a relatively average human. A sharp pain stabbed at my heart and rose into my throat, choking me. I turned off the washer and went into my room. I curled up in a tight ball on my bed and tried to push the thoughts away, but my realisation had already weakened me. I was riding a wave of emotion now, and it would deposit me wherever it wished.

Was it a game they were playing? Were they trying to make each other jealous? I remembered a couple of friends of mine playing this game back in Denver. Riley and Don didn't seem to know how to express their feelings for each other, so their relationship was turbulent and involved a lot of desperate attempts to make each other jealous.

But no... Warren had never had trouble expressing his feelings, and I couldn't imagine any woman who wouldn't instantly melt at his feet if he set his sights on her.

So was Caitlin looking for revenge? Was she trying to get her own back at him for cheating first - even though they were technically broken up back then? And Warren... What would he do about this? I knew how possessive he was...

I fell into an exhausted sleep in the middle of these speculations. Which I guess was for the best.


I woke late the next day, then cheered internally when I realised that it was a Saturday. When I checked my phone, I saw a message from Victor.

Victor: Come over whenever.

I smiled, glad to spend the day with him.

Me: Cool. Later.

I danced my way to the bathroom and took a leisurely shower. I was beyond excited to have an entire two days without school. The weekend had never meant so much to me. I checked the time, then decided I had time for breakfast. I spent the rest of the morning with my family before going to Victor's.

I played music - rock - on my way to his house, and found myself singing along to some of the tracks. I figured that I was starting to recognise some songs. I realised that I'd even be into some bands soon and laughed at myself. Victor was such a terrible influence.

He didn't show up when I knocked, so I shrugged and let myself in. "Vic?"

"Come on in," he called, and I followed his voice to the living room.

He was staring at the TV screen when I walked in. He sat slumped in the couch, and barely grunted when I greeted him.

Tucking my hair back, I dumped my bag on the couch. "What are you working on?" I asked curiously, peering at his iPad. The same curious swirl of colors as on the TV were reflected there. I turned back to the TV.

"Let's go out," he suddenly said.


"Let's get out of here."

"Right now?"

He sat up, finally looking at me. "I've been cooped up too long."

"You should have texted me to come sooner," I accused.

"Nah." He ran a hand through his umber hair. "I was cool with waiting for you. Let's go."


He was up in a flash, taking my hand. Soon, we were in his car as he drove. He was silent through the drive, tapping his thumb on the wheel in time to the music he was playing.

Running from His Claim (Beauty and the Beast #2)Where stories live. Discover now