"Ok.. he is my neighbor..."

"Neighbor's dont drop off... atleast my neighbors dont but I wish.. because she is damn not..."

Gulf smaked mild on his head..

"Time for seminar ... will tell you later..."

Then they both indulged in their work..


Thong was relaxing in his chair and watching something on his computer screen...


Thong got shocked and got up...

Mew slammed the door and came in

Mew cocked his gun and placed towards thong..

Thong got a bit afraid as mew hand an anger on his face and was fuming...

Mew placed the gunpoint at thongs forehead..

"What the fuck mew.. people calm down..  what have I done.."

"What the fuck..!!!  Huh... thong ... I should ask you that.."

"Mew I really dont know what are talking about... please.."

Thong saw mew was injured and he had a cast on his left hand and he was holding the gun in his right hand..

"Mew calm down... I can see your injured please.. put the gun down and let's talk..."

"Dont worry thong.. I can aim well with my one hand.. and these injuries are nothing when compared to the gun shots I have taken in..."

"Please mew... "

Thong was sweating all over...

Mew the motioned thong to sit down.. using his gun.. and thong followed it...

Mew then sat on the table..  still pointing gun to thong..

"Talk thong .. you said you wanted to..."

"What happened mew.. please tell me or else how would I know.."

"Dont you fucking play with me thong..."

Mew was angry to the core..

"I am not playing anything mew.. please.."

Mew was now sure that thong dint know anything because he.had known thong for long and could tell when lie and when he doesn't...

"A call came today at my work phone.. at 4AM"

Thong was suprised... unless until there are no client nobody calls the shooter directly..  this was the rules of their world...

"How is that even possible..??"

"That's what I am saying... so I came to you..."

"Mew believe me I had no deal with anyone.. and I have informed everyone that you are on a break..."

"Well I know who it was..."


AT 4 Am


"Hello Mr. Suppasit how have to been.."

A bold female voice was over the phone... spoke and mew could instantly tell that it was Victoria


"You remember me mew.."

"Call me Suppasit.... "

The voice chuckled a bit and said..

"Come on Mr. Suppasit we have done many deals together.. aren't we close enough... "

"Why the fuck you have called me.. you know the rules.. no work no calls..."

"But I contacted you ... for work.."

"I am sorry but I am on a break..."

The voice laughed in an evil voice..

"People like us cant have break.."

"What the hell...."

Mew sentence hung as the voice interrupted him

"How is your injuries Mr .Suppasit.."

Mew immediately went near in window screen to move it slight a bit to see outside...
No one was there..

"How did you know...???"

"Oh..come on.. atleast respect my position..."

"What do you want..."

"One last job..do it and I will leave you alone..."

" Do you think you can control me.."

"I know I cant.. that why.. I have called you.. to do a favor... and do the one last job..."

"Then I am sorry I cant..."

Mew was about to hang up the phone.. when he heared the voice again... he stopped

"Well that boy is cute... Mr. Suppasit.."

Mew eyes got widen.. he tried soo hard to keep is where about hidden.. but he knew.. a big client like victoria can do anything..

Mew dint spoke a word..

"Well Mr. Suppasit I am not threatening you.. I just found him.. cute.."

Mew replied in a confident voice..

"And what that has to do with me.. "

"Come on.. Mr. Suppasit.. you are injured and you are not that fragile that you need someone to take care of you..."

"Its my personal life.. dont you fucking mess with it..."

"You have a week Mr. Suppasit let's meet at camarom cafe at 4pm  exactly after a week...."

And the call was off..


"Did she really called you...??? Mew believe me I never told her about you.. because I dont know where you are!!!!"

"She had poked a wrong person... If she messes with anything.. she would be dead the other minute..."

Mew was angry as hell...

"Let me talk again.. to them mew..."

"Clear this thong and call me.."

Mew stood up to leave and stopped at the door to turn around...

"If the boy gets involved in this I would kill each one of them and including you... just keep that in your mind..."

Again slamming the door mew left.. and thong sat in his chair in a confused state...

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