"How can I forget? Arnav had an appointment with the doctor today." Khushi told Anjali.

"Oh no. Come on bhai, we should go."

In half an hour they had reached the hospital and Dr. Kapoor examined Arnav.

"So Mrs. Raizada, tell me what all you have been doing at home to cure him?"

"What?" Khushi did not understand what Dr. Kapoor was trying to convey.

"Actually Arnav is recovering very well. I think it is just a matter of weeks that he will be back to his actual self. I don't think he will even need therapy. We can give it another three weeks and see."

"Really doctor?"

"Yes Miss Anjali. And you, you were just amazing, you regained your memory just with the first stage medications. You are really lucky with that"

"I know doctor and that is just because of Khushi. Without her it wouldn't have been possible"

"Yeah even I agree to that, she is so protective over the two of you. I understood it last month when you both were here. The healing environment matters a lot, that is what has made the difference in your case Ms. Anjali."

Khushi remained a silent spectator to this conversation.

After a while Khushi and Anjali left the hospital along with Arnav. It was a tiring day for all of them. Khushi went to meet Rahul with Anjali after making sure that Arnav was resting in his room.

"Finally you guys are back? I thought you just decided to ignore me, just like in our childhood."

"Oh come on Rahul, you know why we avoided you."

"Guilty." He said, raising his arms to suggest he was surrendering in the conversation.

"You guys did not call me as you said, I got worried. But, I decided against coming there to check up on you because I did not want to piss Arnav off."

"Good that you decided that Rahul. We had to rush to the hospital. I kind of forgot Arnav had a check-up scheduled today. Such a long day it has been, you wouldn't believe me." Khushi went on to tell him what the doctor said and how Arnav was progressing well. Anjali was just staring at Rahul the entire time.

"Oh, that means I will have to leave soon." Rahul said summarizing after Khushi finished. Arnav's hatred towards him was an open secret.

"No Rahul, there is nothing like that" Anjali said, surprising herself.

Khushi looked at Anjali and she just turned away.

Before Khushi could ask her sister in law what that was about, her phone started ringing.

"Hey its Arnav. Be quiet." She told the others in the room.

"Hello" Khushi heard as she answered the call. Arnav sounded irritated.

"Hello Arnav."

"Where the hell are you both, Khushi?"

"Arnav, we are at my place. Why? Something happened? Do you need something?" Khushi was concerned.

"At your place? Why? Wait I'm coming there"

"No Arnav , you don't need to come here. I will be there in a second" She panicked and ended the call abruptly.

"Anji, you stay here with Rahul. I'll be back in a moment."

"Okay Bhabhi" Anjali said and nodded.

Khushi ran to her new house. Anjali, on the other hand, was excited to be left alone with Rahul.

As soon as she entered, Khushi heard her husband speak.

"Khushi why did you both go without me?"

"Sorry Arnav, we thought you were taking rest and so decided to go by ourselves. By the way, why did you call? Is everything okay? Do you need something?"

"Yeah, I just spoke to Aman. He told me that you had asked him to handle everything. Why Khushi?"

She trusted Aman to know that he wouldn't have told him anything unnecessary.

"Oh actually, I wanted you to stay at home with me for some time after our marriage. So, I told him to hold your calls and manage everything for a while"

"Oh. Ok. Where is Anji?"

"She is still there, you know I rushed here when you called. She'll come back in some time."

Arnav wasn't convinced, so she continued.

"We should go to our room. You stay there and I will get some tea for us. By the time she will also be back"

Arnav contemplated arguing, then finally said okay before going to their room.

At Gupta house, there was silence for about ten minutes after Khushi left, as both Anjali and Rahul didn't have any idea on what to talk about to each other. They kept glancing at each other turning their heads to the other direction, when they started noticing and smiling at each other once in a while.

"Anjali have you thought about your future?"

"What do you mean Rahul?"

"I mean about marriage and everything. Your bhai and Khushi are now married, naturally you are next."

'Oh man, too direct? I never expected him to ask me this question so fast?' Anjali told herself.

"Hey I'm waiting for your answer" Rahul reminded.

"Yeah, actually I haven't"

"Then why don't we?"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me right. I asked why don't we?" Anjali blushed

"I know you like me, and even I like you, in fact I love you, I have been in love with you for a while now. I would've confessed to you on your birthday, after I apologized. But Arnav didn't let me have a chance. You might be thinking that I had a crush on Khushi as Arnav too thinks, but I have always been in love with you and only you."

Anjali was too shocked to respond. "Are you kidding me?"

"Do I not look serious enough telling you this?"



"What?" she asked, unsure about his question.

"Do you love me?" he was always straight to the point.

Anjali remained silent for a while and then finally nodded. The truth was, she had always liked him, even when he used to irritate the trio. But, just liked her brother, she thought he had a crush on Khushi. And that would work out perfectly. His parents were friends of Khushi's parents and they really liked each other. But, never in her dreams had she thought Rahul would reciprocate her feelings.

"Oh, I'm so happy today." He moved forward and hugged her. She returned the hug.

"Anji? Rahul? What is going on here?" Khushi said shocked 


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