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tommo: any luck ash?

shithead: i found a facebook page for a forty year old man.

tommo: k no luck then

tommo: thanks a lot shithead

shithead: welcome vagina.

tommo: woah! thats like the worst insult in the human race wtf bye.

shithead: u smell like a vagina. crusty and smelly

- x -

louis: harry ur last name is styles ! i went through our conversations and found it.

harry: dammit

louis: i win!

louis: i just found ur fb. cute little harry aw

harry: stop it

louis: (pic side/top)

louis: u and ur sister were so cute !!

harry: gemma :(

louis: what?

harry: she passed when she was seven bc of an illness. i didnt understand i was too small

louis: baby :(

harry: im sorry. my life just sucks

louis: well im gonna find u

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