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Drey's :

The day after the birthday.

" I cannot remember anything. So f*ck it off Dior. Stop acting like my Dad. " my head feels like it's about to explode.

I never had a hang over like this.

Dior handed me a cup of black coffee. Tss. He's been talking sh't early in the morning.

He was looking for me the whole night. He said someone brought me home. I can't even remember how I was able to get back home alive.

" You should know that you're a Baldemeca, isang maling galaw mo lang Drey pwedeng head kana sa mga news. Ano na lang iisipin ng mga tao, you know Dad has a good reputation . "

" That's why I told you to shut up, I wasn't planning to get drunk at all, there's... there's someone who came to me and intoxicated me with so much alcohol. " I felt a sharp pain on my head just by trying to remember what happened last night. Who would that be? I need to go back to that bar. I wanted to start a new life. I won't let that woman ruin everything.

I know nothing but Dad and Dior here. I'm new to town.

" Wala kaba talagang maalala? " he asked again.

I held on my forehead. Trying to think about that girl who came to me and I know for sure what we did that night. We were passionate to each other. I... I just couldn't remember the exact things that happened after the bar.

" I'll fix this. Don't worry. " I said and he left my room.

I came back to the bar.

It was easy to get in because I have the Baldemeca's name.

I didn't bother to ask the staffs if they saw that girl and if they know her.

I came straight to the security to see all the cameras installed inside. Fortunately, they allow me. Who wouldn't be. Baldemeca is so popular. Didn't know  even the owner of this bar is one of my Dad friends.

And then I spotted her.


She's wearing a red tube hot dress, that i didn't notice that night. I think I was really drunk to even notice someone was after me.

Who is she?

I told to the staff to focus on her face.

I couldn't lie and I won't deny that this girl is more than just a pretty face. She's like an innocent goddess came to kill herself to a tiger like me. Why would she comes after me? I'm just new here. I just came her days ago.

I take out my phone on my pocket.

I captured her face and save it on my phone.

I put my hand inside my pocket and took out the necklace that I got from her in the bar. She was so determined to get me that night. She was wrong to think that I am just some random weak guy to give in with her gorgeous face. Sort of. Well at least getting a souvenir from her isn't bad at all.

I just need to give this back to her.

And need to hear some explanation about what really happened that night after the bar.


I'm with Dior now. He's explaining to me how they run the company. Our Dad wants me to take over the merging of Del Fuentes and our casino which I think Dior is not in favor.

I don't know exactly the reason, and I haven't dare to ask him why.

Maybe because we don't really had a memory that I was a good brother to him. We're still casual but I know he's trying to be a good brother to me.

We met few times in Singapore, I was living a normal life way back there not until my Mom died.

I never act good in front of Dior, where in fact I loath him because they took Dad away from us.

I am the first child of my Dad, it was us before his Mom came. My Mom came from an average family, our wealth was not enough for the Baldemeca's, that's the reason why Dad was arranged married to Dior's mother.

I'm not really after to the wealth of my Dad, I had no choice but to leave Singapore.

It's not only because my Mom is dead and there's no money that was left with me. We also had a small business in Singapore, but because I was living hell myself.

I was conned. Nothing left with me.

That's why when my Dad came to rescue me, I took that chance as an opportunity to become someone else, leaving my past. Leaving the life that i had in Singapore.

And now.

I'm here in the Philippines.

" There's something that I want you to know. (He paused)

Kuya. " I just look at him waiting for whatever he's about to say.

He said the word Kuya like he was asking for a favor.

I'm 2 years older than him.

He clutched his hand. Like he's trying not to say it. Tss.

" There's no need to be casual Dior. I told you i'm not after the money of Dad. You can have it all, I will do my part here in the company as his son and not the heir." I explained.

I'm not here to take all of my father's wealth or assets , if that's what he cares about.

" It's not about the money Kuya. You don't know how happy I am when you came. I'm just tired of being alone in this building. But I can't give you the project that our Dad wants you to deal with. "

" Maybe I need some explanation about that? "

He's really hiding something. What the heck is his problem with the small project that my Dad given me?

I just have to simply accompany the whoever is in- charge to the 4th floor plan.

Is he tired of running the whole building. Is that why he wants to focus in the single floor?

Before he started blurting out his reasons, her secretary came.

" I'm sorry to interrupt Mr. Dior but Ms. Del Fuentes is waiting outside. " she said and left immediately.

Dior followed.

I drink the tea that Deliah, his secretary, made for me a while ago.

I think this is the woman that I need to tail until the project is done.

When I heard Dior welcomed the woman to enter to his office, I stood up to look for her as a respect.

But I wasn't expecting that this is how I will meet that girl in a red dress.

She suddenly almost fell on her knees for a moment.

I smiled. A devilish one.

Another bingo.

I think I will be having fun working here in the company.

I'm 25 and I Want A BabyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon