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Charlie Abbott woke up just as the sun was peeking through her window. She rubbed her eyes sheepishly and stretched her arms above her face, rotating her shoulders. Charlie winced as her shoulder brushed against the mattress, and she remembered the bruise that formed earlier that week.

Charlie sat up, pushing the thick grey blankets off of her and smiled.

"I finally get to go." she thought to herself.

Charlie got out of bed and quickly ran to the door, throwing it open and continuing to run across the hall into her brother's room.

"Beck! Wake up!" She pounced on her brother who was still wrapped up in his own blankets. He groaned in response.

"Beeeeeck! Let's goooo-"

"Charlotte, is that you making all that noise?" Her mother, Barbara poked her head into the room and grinned.

Charlie sat on the edge of the bed. "Possibly..."

Barbara walked in and gently shook Beck's shoulder. "Your sister starts her first year at Hogwarts today."

Beck sat up and glared at the two of them, his thick black hair now covering his eyebrows. "Wow, I couldn't tell."

Barbara snickered and wrapped an arm around Charlie while looking at her son. "She's just excited. She has a lot to be looking forward to, so let's pick up the pace, Beck."

Beck groaned a second time and proceeded to push his mother and his younger sister out of the room.

Charlie followed the scent of marshmallows and toasted bread down the stairs and into the kitchen. Her father, Marcus Abbott was spreading melted marshmallows across slices of toast and setting them on a plate.

"Dad?" Charlie questioned the unusual sight.

Marcus turned around with the toast and knife in hand, and shrugged. "You said you wanted this on your first day... this is your 'first day of Hogwarts' breakfast."

Charlie giggled and sat down at the island counter, facing her father. "I didn't think you were going to take me seriously, but I'll take it!"

As the rest of her family filtered in, the sight of an eleven year-old eating pure sugar on toasted bread earned disapproving looks.

"At least eat some eggs." Barbara pleaded.

As she stood in front of her trunk, Charlie skimmed over her list one last time. Her older sister, Alison, tapped on her shoulder. "We got everything on that paper, Charlie. It didn't change overnight."

Charlie shook her head. "I just need to make sure."

Marcus peeked his head into Charlie's doorway. "All set, girls?"

Charlie turned and looked at her father. "Yes, Dad."

Dragging the trunk behind her, Charlie followed Beck towards the Hogwarts Express.

"Don't get on just quite yet!" Their mother shouted from behind them.

Barbara pulled her two children to face herself, Marcus, and Alison. "Now, smile."

She held the Muggle camera up to where she could see through the lens as Beck and Charlie groaned. "Mum-"

"Now, come on. Beck, this is your last year. And Charlie, this is your first year. In the future, you will be glad that you have this moment captured."

The two continued with their groaning, but smiled for the picture nevertheless.

As the students began to hug their families, a small black-haired boy rushed into Charlie's side, wrapping his arms around her neck. "I got ya!"

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