Chapter Twenty

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"Do you think we lost them?" Adam asked

            "I'm not sure" Bree said looking around. To their luck they found a set of stairs that led to another part of the basement that they were in.

            "Hello" a voice said behind them. They spun around and found Marcus smiling at them whilst his eyes continued to glow. "Run!" Adam said and they quickly ran down the stairs. They got the bottom and ran towards another set that they found.

            "Oh no you don't" Chase said blocking them and picked Adam up and threw him across the room, causing him to his the force field again. "Deal with Adam Marcus, I'll deal with the little princess here" he sneered

            "Sure thing buddy" he smiled and ran towards Adam.

            Chase looked at Bree and smirked "Having fun yet?"

            "Chase, this isn't you... you have to snap out of this" he ignored her and did the same thing that he did with Adam. Bree quickly got up and looked at Mr. Davenport for help.

            "Look, I know you are in a lot of pain right now but we are as well she said as she watched him, Tasha and Leo continuing to fan themselves. "Is there any way that we can snap them out of this?"

            "I don't know" Mr. Davenport cried.

            "Well whatever it is, try and do something that can either A, save us so we can save you or B, save yourselves so you can save us or C, WE CAN ALL DIE!" Leo screamed.

            "Please hurry guys" Tasha cried

            Bree spun around and found Chase charging at her. She ducked and managed to put him in an arm lock. "Chase, we know you're in there, Your family is in danger."

            "You're not my family" he sneered as he tried to struggled out of her grasp

            "Yes we are Chase. Though we didn't grow up with you we are Chase, you saw what that file said about you. Chase please" she said. Chase managed to let himself free and stared at Bree intensely. "You don't have to do this"

            "Come on Chase, what are you waiting for?!" Douglas yelled. Chase looked at him and that gave Bree the perfect opportunity to flip him. He fell to the ground with a thud and she ran to help Adam with Marcus.

            "Get off me you creep" Adam cried as he and his sister fought Marcus.

            "There must be a way to save them" Tasha said sadly as Chase got up and ran to help his brother.

            "Wait... I have an idea" Leo said. "Hey... Time Out" he called.

            "What? There is no time out in a battle!" Douglas said.

            "There is if you want it to last longer so it can be more enjoyable"

            "Alright fine... Marcus, Chase time out" he called to his sons. They ran to his side whilst Adam and Bree ran towards the others.

            "Why did you call a time out?" his sister asked

            "Remember how Chase got a bit upset when you  called him names before?" Leo whispered

            "Like weak, weepy, nerdy ya da, ya da, ya da... so what?" Adam asked.

            "So, try and to do the same and lure him here so when he goes to punch you guys, you get out of the way and he punches the key pad to set us free" Leo said

            "That might just work"

            "What if it doesn't?" Mr. Davenport said

            "Well we could sit here and continue  roast like a pack of HUMAN SIZED TURKEYS!" Tasha screamed at her husband.

            Bree looked towards where the three boys were standing. "Hey Chase, the pet store called. They want their poodle back" she said.

            The others laughed and Chase looked at her angrily "Just ignore them" his dad said to him

            "Hey Chase... what's the difference between a history book and you? People know it better than you!" Leo laughed.

            "Just ignore them" Marcus said.

            "Hey Chase, what is the difference between  you and a calendar? A calendar has more dates than you!" Adam said

            "They are just trying to wind you up" Marcus said.

            "Hey Nerd.... why so upset? Is it because you can't get a decent person to appreciate you for who you are?" Bree sneered.

            "That's it, I can't take it any longer" he spat and turned towards them "You are going to be so sorry you said that" he screamed. Their plan worked, just as Chase was about to punch them, they ducked out of the way causing him to punch the keypad, deactivating the force field, the doors to the rooms, and the temperature that was killing them. The doors, force field and all other things have been deactivated the computer system said.

            "Oh finally" Mr. Davenport said as he fell to the ground. "It's so nice to feel the cold hard ground instead of being inside an oven" he sighed.

            "I can't believe that actually worked" Leo said as his mom and him ran outside the room.

            "Come one guys, let's get out of here" Adam said quickly helping Mr. Davenport. The five of them ran towards the exist. "I don't think so" Douglas said as he and Marcus were blocking their exist.

            "Let's try the other door" Bree said but they were stopped by Chase who ran behind them.

            "Douglas, this has to stop. It's over" his brother said to him protecting the others.

            "I wish it could big brother. But I'm afraid I can't let that happen... Marcus, Chase" he yelled. Marcus ran towards Bree and slammed her against a wall.

            "Marcus get off me" she said struggling.

            "Why should I?" he said smirking at her. "You know, this would have never have happened if you would have just agreed to be with me"

            "I will never want to be with you Marcus Henderson, even if my life depended on it" she said to him.

            He laughed and raised his eyebrow "You wanna bet?"

            "HEY, LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE!" a voice said behind him. He spun around and found Leo charging right at him, he knocked him over causing Bree to fall to the ground.

            "Hey, get off me" he spat as Leo pinned him to the floor. "I thought you didn't have bionics anyway"

            "I don't, but when it comes to my family, no one messes with me. Even though I look small and weak, I am tougher than you think!" he said to him

            "Urg, Dad? Chase? A LITTLE HELP!" he screamed

            "A bit busy son" he said as his brother had him in a head lock whilst Adam was fighting Chase and Tasha was hiding in a corner.

            "Ha, I guess your little plan is ruined. What are you going to do now Marcus-" but Leo was cut off as Marcus kicked him off.

            "Ouch" he groaned.

            Marcus laughed as stood above him. "Not so strong now, are you Leo?" he smirked.

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