Chapter Nineteen

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The four teenagers and Tasha looked at Douglas, then at Big D, then back at Douglas, then back at Big D. "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?" they all said at the same time.

            "It's true. My daddy is actually your daddy too, and your so called daddy is actually your uncle" Marcus smiled.

            "I... I can't believe this" Chase said looking at the file again. He was still trying to figure out if this was a terrible dream, or real life.

            "But... how is this possible?" Leo asked.

            "Well, you see-" but Donald was cut off by his brother.

            "No Douglas. You're right. Since I am the major cause of all this, I should be the one to tell them" he then looked at the three bionic kids who waited for an answer. He closed his eyes, and breathed.                                                                                                        "Douglas and I... used to be partners in Davenport Industries before you guys were created. After that, he got a bit too carried away with power and how much you guys could actually do."

            "Like what?" Adam asked.

            "Well for starters, he wanted to turn you into boinic soilders. Anyway... he got carried away with power and greed and I didn't want you guys to grow up with someone that acted like that. So, when you guys were little, I planned to run away with you." They all looked at him and waited for him to continue. "Douglas soon found out and said that he wouldn't let me go and even threatened to take you guys away one day if I didn't leave him at least one of you guys."

            "So you decided to take me and Adam..." Bree said quietly.

            "Yes, and the only reason why I did that was-"

            "Was because I was the weaker so I seemed like a least likely threat" Chase said cutting him off.

            "You guys were three. I didn't know that it would really matter. I'm really sorry Chase. " Mr. Davenport whispered. Everyone kept looking at him in shock, horror, and dissapointment, not saying one word.

            "Well...." Marcus said after awhile clapping his hands together. "Now that is over and done with, let us have some fun. What do you say?"

            "Fun, and what type of fun are you talking about?" Leo asked

            "Ohhh, are you going to show us how to make those cookies? You know, the ones that dont put people to sleep" Adam said

            Marcus shook his head "No, of course not"

            "Then what are you talking about?"

            "Pshh... Joining us of course"

            "Joining you in what exactly?" Bree said curiously.

            "Well if you remember what your so called father told you, I wanted to make you guys into bionic soldiers. And that is exactly what I still want to do" Douglus smiled.

            "Over my dead body. You are not hurting my kids, even if they're not my real kids" his brother sneered at him.

            Douglas looked at him and smiled "Gladly" he sang. He walked over to the keypad that Marcus had used before and fiddled with some buttons.

Code Red: Labrats fanfic (#Wattys2015) (#feels)Where stories live. Discover now