15) The Fighters

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~Cloud's POV~

Sazh and I watch as Snow storms out of my condo, cringing as the loud slamming noise of the door wakes Dajh up.

"I don't know what's up with him lately," Sazh shakes his head. "Ever since we got here and he's been with that Tifa girl... She don't have a negative influence, does she?"

"No," I shake my head. "Rather, the opposite." I think I know what's happening. It happened to me once. At one point, I wanted to be with Tifa, but I felt like I was betraying Aeris every time I so much as looked her way. Now it's all gone, both the hurt of Aeris and the need for Tifa. I'm on a new track. Just thinking of a certain someone makes me want to smile.


"I know what's happening. It'll pass, trust me."

"Is it a kidney stone?" He raises an eyebrow and I burst into a laughter.

"Good one, old man." He grins at me and then stands.

"That Vincent guy still missing?"

"Probably," I sigh. "He does that. Disappears for months and the returns and acts like he didn't just vanish off the face of the earth."

"Strange man."

"Yeah. Looks like Fang's taken a liking to him though."

"You got that right! Especially yesterday when the Turk guy gave her the wrong drugs to knock her out!" We both chuckle at the memory of Fang trying desperately to kiss Vincent, who's face I'd never seen so red, in exchange for his gun to shoot Yuffie with.

"So uh... About Lightning," I start, scratching the back of my neck. "Anything in particular about her I should know about her?" Sazh smirks over at me and puts his hands on his hips.

"Well look at you kids! Fallin' all over each other like dominos."

"Eh, yeah," I blush, looking down at the table. He chuckles and shakes his head.

"All I know is that she likes to be in charge. Well, that and spar."

I nod and grab for my phone, smiling at the man before sitting on my leather couch. Then I text Light.

Me: So Sazh says you like to spar ;)

Flicking on the TV while I wait for a reply, I boredly flip through the channels. When she finally does answer, I've practically falls asleep watching a documentary on Meteor.

Lightning: And what of it, pretty boy?

Grinning, I reply quickly, things working quickly over the keyboard.

Me: The guys are being boring. Wanna go somewhere and swordfight or something?

Lightning: Or something? ;)

Me: I could always stay here...

Lightning: Meet me at the picnic hill in twenty minutes.

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