Small Things

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Everyone on the second floor had learnt a few things about Bam. They learnt he is a kind person who treasures his friends. They discovered he somehow managed to make a space for every one of them in his heart. They know that the one he cares most for is Rachel, but most of all they realised Bam is traumatised.

As all of them talked to the cinimon roll of a boy they each found different things that lead to the conclusion.

Shibisu noticed how the boy would flinch before leaning heavily into his touch whenever he swings his arms around his shoulders. At first it made him uncomfortable because of the striking difference it was to everyone else, along with his preconceived notions of what it could mean. When he saw the boy do the same to Rak though, he realised that it was most likely due to having very small amounts of kind touches directed at him. So he started giving Bam hugs last when he went around a table so he could just cling to him for a bit longer than others.

Endorsi noticed how Bam would light up like the sun whenever she gave him the smallest compliment. Mentioning how his hair looks nice today. Talking about how there are worse looking guys out there. Even when she or anyone just laughs at one of his jokes he acts like it's the best thing they could ever give him. So she started complimenting him more, becoming addicted to the shine that escaped his very being each time.

Anak noticed how he would always smile when with someone. It didn't matter if they were being mean, criticising him or just talking to him normally. He would always smile. It was like just being in the presence of another gives him so much joy he just can't contain it. So she started always being next to him whenever she sees him. Just happening to stand close enough that it looks like they are walking together. Letting him know through that closeness that she is here and she exists next to him.

Rak noticed that the only time he would see Black turtle frown was when he was alone. When the Black turtle was the only one in a room he would smile, than frown, than smile again, like the turtle was remembering something sad. It would be so much worse when the lights were off. Sometimes the turtle would frown even when people were there. It was even clearer when there was a storm outside one day, causing the lights to flicker. They stayed dark for two or three seconds, but when they came on and Rak was checking that all his pray was safe, he say the clouded over gaze on the Black Turtle. A frown present on his face, a far away look in his eyes. At that moment he was sure he wasn't the only one to see, but he was the only one that started making sure that the light was on whenever the Black Turtle entered a room.

Hatz noticed how Bam would never give himself a break. It was a habit that Hatz was prone to himself, but seeing it in another, especially someone who could be considered a genius, was shocking. Night after night, when he would finish training himself, he would look into the bright room where Bam practiced his Shinshu. On average Hatz would finish training at one in the morning, so seeing someone as sweet as Bam still training past that point, never sat well within his heart. Four days after he had seen Bam training for the first time he decided to send the boy to bed. Stepping into the room he had grabbed Bam by the shoulder, trying to make him comfortable. As expected the boy flinched, badly. "Oh hey Hatz." Was the boy reply, acting like he hadn't just jumped a metre off the ground in surprise.


"What are you doing up so late?" He asked. Always one to put everyone else before himself.

"To take you to bed."

"Oh, mister Hatz there's no need, I'm fine." Hatz looked Bam in the eyes. The bags were clear as day, along with the slight sway of his body every time he took a heavy breath.

Hatz sighed before he picked the boy up and took him to the showers. He took a shower himself, waiting for Bam to finish his before he chucked the over-worker at Khun.

It became a daily occurance, going into habit. For Hatz to pull the boy away from training to have a shower than chuck him at the insomniac known as Khun.

Laure noticed that Bam would do what anyone asked him to. He would smile at them behaving as though them asking anything of him is nothing but a blessing. Some spear bearers had noticed it too. Whenever they wanted anything they would ask him to. Luckily Khun stopped Bam from using his points on them. But small things like grabbing a jacket for him, asking to share some of his food, than taking over half of it when Khun isn't around. Slowly the requests turned into commands and everyone was getting more and more annoyed at the two imbeciles.

One lazy morning Laure was having one of his rare talks with Khun. "Bam's being taken advantage of." He had said simply.

"I know." Khun regressed. "But I can't do much without being the same as them."

Laure just hummed before going back to silence.

The next day when the spear bearers commanded something of Bam. The boy looked uncomfortable before looking at khun and asking. "Is it okay if I do?"

"They can get it themselves Bam."

The spear bearers had looked outraged before mumbling and wondering off, to the pleasure of everyone on the table.

Khun has noticed everyone change around Bam. The rude and narcissistic, became prone to complements that slowly spread to everyone, not just Bam. The princess had complimented him that breakfast.

The cold and uncaring was suddenly always ready to just be there whenever Bam was alone. It soon spread to everyone else as well. When walking by yourself, at some point you would of had a green lizard wondering beside you as she went for training.

Khun was suddenly constantly being hugged. By everyone. It had started with the jump suit idiot, but soon it just became habit for them to go around the table and end on Bam. He wasn't going to complain, feeling the way Bam just leant into the hug became reassuring, to everyone.

It became rare to walk down a hallway without the lights on. The croc who always walked infront of the others and would always flip the switch whenever he entered a room. He would do it so naturally that it was hard for Khun to find the culprit for a couple of days.

And the Lazy were suddenly more active. Laure to Khuns surprise would join into the conversation. Rarely letting out a full sentence, it was still a sign that he paid attention and enjoyed everyone company.

He had noticed in himself as well. It became easier to concentrate when he had anyone else in the room. He would think of his best plans when Bam was leaning on him, or listening to him explain his concept. He had noticed how Bam had even become somewhat reliant on his presence as well. It got to the point that Bam, Hatz and Rak had just moved Bam's bed into his room.

He sighed as he stared at the sleeping form of Bam. Hatz had recently come by and chucked him inside. They had all become reliant on one boys smile. One boys laughter. And one boys approval. So reliant that if he ever died, khun wasn't sure how long it would be until the rest if them were found dead as well.

Bam smiled in his sleep saying one word that brought so much happiness to Khun. "Friends."

Khun has good reason to believe that Rachel was the only person Bam had ever met, and that she wasn't the kindest to him.

He decided than and there, if there is a way that he can seperate her from Bam for good. Than he will take it without hesitation.

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