The April Fool's Prize

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No one's POV

"So Tony, what are you planning on doing today as it is your most favourite day of the year?" 

Tony laughed, looking across to Ziva's desk. "Oh Ziva, my poor Izralien friend. This is not my favourite holiday, and also, you don't just ask people what their plans are, they're supposed to be a surprise!" Tony answered cockily, smirking at the girl.

Ziva raised her eyebrow as she spoke. "So you have got something planned then?"

Tony smirked at Ziva as he went back to his paperwork. Ziva carried on staring at the man, getting more and more frustrated that he wouldn't tell her.

"Oh come on!" Ziva groaned, "You've got to be kidding me!" 

"What's he done now Ziva?" McGee asked as he walked into the bullpen, glancing curiously at the pair as Tony stood up.

"Don't tell him Ziva," Tony said, looking towards the girl, he turned back to McGee. "I need a word with you, McNosey," Tony said as he strode towards McGee's desk.

"What about?" Tim asked, looking up at the man. "Hey! You can't just drag me!" exclaimed McGee as Tony grabbed his arm.

"Oh yes I can, and as you can see, I will too," Tony laughed out to an irritated Tim. Ziva watched the whole ordeal until both of them disappeared into the elevator.

Once Tony shut off the elevator's power, McGee turned to the other with his eyebrow raised. "Okay, now what do you want?"

Tony stared hard at McGee for a few moments, unsure of how to start. "I need to know something," Tony said, narrowing his eyes at Tim.

McGee rolled his eyes as he sighed out, "honestly Tony, if you want to know if I'm going bald or not, you can just look at my hair." Tony continued staring at McGee, the sarcastic remark that Tim expected back was now lost in the silence.

"Tim?" Dinozzo asked, looking to the side. McGee stared at Tony, wondering what he was going to say.


Tony swallowed. Dinozzo opened his mouth to speak but his words failed him.

"Yes?" McGee repeated to edge Tony on, confused as to what was going on.

"McGee...what would you do if I told you I was...bisexual?" 

Tim stared hard at Tony. This was out of nowhere....could this be real? He couldn't deny, he had liked Tony for so long, but that was a secret, as well as the fact that he, himself, was gay. Snapping out of his thoughts, he glared at the other.

"If this is a joke, Tony, then it's really not funny," McGee said, raising his eyebrows as he looked at the man in front of him. Tony looked down at the floor, clearly embarrassed.

"It's not...Timmy? I honestly think I'm bi. I mean, yeah, women are nice, I guess, but recently I've started to fall for someone...a man..." Tony whispered out, clearing his throat awkwardly as McGee tried to decipher if this was a joke or not.

"Who is it?" Tim asked, his voice cracking midsentence. Tony surged up all the confidence he could as he answered the other's question.

"It' Timmy..."

  McGee stared at Tony in shock. "You're joking," McGee stated, narrowing his eyes at Dinozzo.

"No, I'm not," Tony said flatly, "I wish I was but...I genuinely think I'm in love with you..."

McGee suddenly pulled Tony into a hug. "Well, that was brave," Tony laughed out as McGee joined him.

"Yeah, it was," McGee agreed, pulling back from the hug but still keeping his arms around the man's neck. Tony's arms around his waist felt so comforting to him, it was almost natural.

"Be honest McGee, how do you feel about me?" Tony asked, dropping his gaze slightly, feeling a little embarrassed. Slowly, Tim got closer to Tony, closing both of his eyes as he lent in.

Their lips met and Tony felt a shot of adrenaline rush through him as it happened. Tim pulled away, and as quick as the kiss had started, it finished.

"Does that answer your question?" Tim asked, a smirk covering his face.

"Maybe McCheeky," Tony answered, laughing lightly. Once Tim started laughing too, they both burst into uncontrollable giggles.

"You know," Tony confessed in between chuckles, "if you rejected me, I was just going to say 'April Fools', but wow, that went way better than I planned. Maybe I should call April fool's prize or something. How would you feel about that Timothy?" 

Tim laughed, "Oh shut up Dinozzo, kiss me, you talk too mu-"

Tony caught Tim's lips again and laughed slightly at the impact. Pulling back, Tony chuckled.

"Who talks too much now McHypocrit?"

The two laughed yet again and pulled each other into another kiss, starting their bittersweet relationship based on cheeky comments, laughter and love...

The April Fool's Prize (Dinozzo x McGee Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now