Chapter Eighteen-The Quidditch Cup

Start from the beginning

"Maybe leave the heroism for winning the game rather than saving this tosser's ass." He comments with a wink to James before we split again. The game reaches feverish heights now with only one beater on Slytherin's side and no keeper on ours. The scoreboard shows; we're at a complete tie.

"The snitch has been sighted!" My eyes flash over to a blur of green and red zooming erratically around the field. "We're at the pinnacle of the game now witches and wizards! Whoever catches the snitch will win the game and the quidditch cup!" Creary is almost screaming into the mic now, either because his house is so close or because this has been such a good game.

"Arell!" Sirius shouts and my head snaps towards him before I glide over to the opposite side of the goalposts to guard. It'll be up to Kaur now. "Merciless!" Sirius shouts and my eyes go round for a moment, but when the leftover Slytherin beater slams another bludger at James which he narrowly avoids, I nod.

Our first target is the surviving beater. Sirius and I both hit bludgers at her and they catch the ends of her broom. She goes spinning into the stands as a wave of students either move or catch her. With no beaters on the Slytherin team, it's all about the chasers. Flips and rolls and even broom surfing make an appearance as either team tries to up the score. Sirius and I go back to guarding the goalposts, but two goals slip by us while we score four on them. Still, it won't be enough.

"And that's it! The game is over, and what a game it was! The snitch has been caught!"

"Who caught it?" Most of the stadium yells at Creary, but I know who caught it the second I see the seeker zooming towards the center of the field with her arm raised in the air. Tears sting my eyes as the team rushes the red uniform.

"Kaur! Gryffindor wins the quidditch cup!" The pitch bursts with sound like a rushing waterfall as the team shoots towards the ground and drop our brooms in exchange for a huge embrace. Teammates are yelling and screaming around me, but I can't hear a thing. Especially when students begin flooding the field to join in the festivities.

"I knew you could do it, you bloody lot! I knew it!" Connelly yells as the team heave her up on their shoulders. Then the other Gryffindors separate the team and I'm just searching for one face. Blurs of people jostle us around before an arm tugs me out of the crowd.

"We did it, Mane!" Sirius shouts as everyone floats towards the exit and we hover near the edge. My grin is unstoppable and his takes up half his face while his hands frame my face. "We did it!" He says again and I laugh before just tossing my arms around his shoulders and pressing my lips to his.

We're both drenched in sweat and surrounded by people, but neither of us care. I kiss him hard and without reservation as his arms wrap around me and lift me up off the ground. My legs wrap around him to keep us anchored together as my hands tangle in his hair and we share our joy with one another. The noise all around us dulls to a soft buzz as he takes up all my attention. It's just him and I with his arms around me and me pressed against him. My eyes open as we pant against one another and he makes no move to put me down. Those starry grey-blue eyes stare into my dark ones and it cannot be possible to feel fuller than I am now. Happier.

"Oi, oi, oi, do we all get a kiss like that?" James' voice pierces our bubble and I'm blushing furiously as Sirius lets me down. He brings us into a tight hug before we turn to find the others hurrying over to us. Lily leads with Remus and Peter just behind.

"We won!" Lily shouts and nearly tackles me with joy. I laugh and return her embrace before releasing her.

"We won," I repeat, breathless with joy.

"Apparently, we just needed you to win, Arell. Brilliant playing." Remus says and gives me a gentle hug, then I get a quick squeeze from Peter.

"You were great, Mane! Wonderful!" He praises and I nod with a soft pat to his hair as I try not to smirk at James hugging Lily, then the both of them awkwardly stepping back with red cheeks.

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