Part 3

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I make sure that everything is in order as I move in and out of places. Our trip to Navium had to be eventless. I had to make sure that we reached there on time. 

After I was done with my work, I moved towards Shrike's quarters. She was not there. I remembered how uneasy she looked as she saw Livia hurt. She would try to sneak out undetected. I tried to think of which path she would take if she wanted to go out withot encountering anyone.

The armory perhaps. It is where Pater Sissellius has his men stationed. It is no secret that Shrike often frequents the city. 

I spot her. "Shrike." She jumps when she hears me. The only reason she couldn't hear me was because she was busy thinking. I take her to the laundry closet. She seems irritated. "

"Where is the bleeding entrance?"

I reach over her to find it. I am aware of the fact that I have to move closer to her in response. I almost expect her to snap. A quick glance at her and she is looking at the skin exposed near my throat. I smile.

Then I hear a sniff. I look down at her, and when her eyes meet mine, I can't help myself from smiling. 

I can see that she is embarrassed. Maybe her thoughts aren't always clean regarding me. Suddenly, the closet is to small and I fumble a little as i open the door.

I shrink back into the shadows knowing that Shrike wants to be alone. I am here to fulfill all of Shrike's needs. Most, I immediately correct myself. Not all. 

She moves through the mostly empty streets. I feel my thoughts wander. A man approaches Shrike. Cain. My hand is immediately on my weapon and I am ready to attack him.  More than his physical presence, it is the mental presence that unnerves me. The Commandant taught me how to block them from my mind. It took years of practice to be able to control my mind all the time.

When he goes away, Shrike looks at my expression and I see understanding flash through her eyes. She moves towards the Empress' quarters. I stand below the balcony, waiting for Shrike, when she comes out, I hear commotion in the suite but she leads me away. Her face is ashen.

I wait for her to say something but she stays silent. Even when she notices me waiting, she looks straight ahead. I sigh in my head. The Shrike needs to learn to trust me more if she cares for the safety of the empire.

Or maybe, I think, it is something between the sisters. I don't force her to tell me anything. Once I am sure she is in her quarters, I retire.

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