Part 9

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We enter Antium, and I stop her from further progress until her men arrive. "Empire first, Blood Shrike."

When she snaps at me, I almost come up with a retort. You would be dead by now if I hadn't made sure that those sent to assassinate were dispatched.

The Commandant is no more dear to me than to you. But I see the position Aquilla is in. Her men don't think she is worthy, everyone in the empire behind her life, her family's lives forfeit the minute Emperor wants it and I realize that she can hate me all she wishes, but I won't make anything harder for her.

Soldiers form the Black Guard come to form a shield around us. I see the way the men disrespect the Shrike in small ways. I get more respect than her. She might not get that respect until she catches Elias.

It does not matter that she has survived the trial or that she is Augur chosen. 

I hear her say, "Captain, why are you looking at me like I seduced your wife?"

A prefect Aquilla statement. Inappropriate but straight to the gut. I see her backhand him. He deserves it for disrespecting her so, and it is the right thing to do.

As we ride, I see her start again. Unlike last time, she doesn't try to cover it but looks around like she is searching for someone. After a few moments she resumes her ride.

When we reach the drawing room, I take my place beside Keris. She doesn't acknowledge me the whole time. I take it as her response to still seeing that the Shrike is alive. I don't engage with her either.

I watch as the Emperor and Commandant degrade her. I watch her take a blow silently, and now seeing reading her for so many weeks, I see the silent rage in her eyes as she forces it to meet with Marcus'. 

"Consider it done, your Majesty." She bows her head and looks up again. I see her determination. For the empire. 

I remember her words, "It is not the Empire I fight for anyway."

Loyal to the end. But is that loyalty above her love for her friends and family?

I realize that I don't want to find out.

It is almost like the Commandant's desire for power and mind games. Maybe more innocent, more for the people, but that kind of commitment can make people do things that any normal human can't do.


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