The Old Trunk

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One rainy day in March,
I was staring out my window when my mom came in & asked me if I had worked on my Dazzle draw program yet, & I said, yes I did that.  So then she asked if I had worked on my typing program & I said yes I did that too.
So then she said, "Okay, I have only one more suggestion. Did you check out that old trunk in the garage?"
"Yeah..wait, no I didn't," I said. "You still have that spider-webbed, dusty thing?"  "Of course," she said.
I went to the garage and found the trunk.  I stared at that creepy looking thing & debated whether it was safe to open it.  But then again, I thought, what could be so dangerous about an old trunk?
I pried it open and did a double-take. I couldn't believe it.
"Mom!" I yelled, "Why didn't you ever tell me about these gorgeous costumes?!"
There in the trunk, were the most beautiful old evening gowns I had ever seen. But there was one that was particularly outstanding. It was made of blue velvet with yellow rhinestones on the sleeves and across the front.
I tried it on but it was still a bit too big. I could tell because the sleeves were a little long, and the dress dragged when I tried to walk.
My mom explained to me that the reason she never told me about the costumes before, was that she was waiting until the very moment when she couldn't stand my boredom any longer.
I thanked her for the surprise and told her it was one of the nicest things she'd ever done for me.
I put the beautiful evening gown back in the trunk and promised myself that someday, when I had a daughter, I would remind her to check that old cobwebbed trunk- just before she was so bored that I couldn't stand her boredom anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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