Ryland Storms x Ondreaz Lopez 3

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Ship: Ryland Storms x Ondreaz Lopez
Au: princes and pirates
Warnings: language, a bit of violence, arranged marriage, implies intimate topics.



"Ondre....... Ondreaz......... dude, wake the hell up." Someone said while shaking me violently. I cracked my eyes open only to be met with the sight of my best friend Kouvr, who had an impatient yet caring expression on her face. "Why do I have to get up." I groaned out while pulling the sheets off of me and sitting up on my bed.

"I really wish I knew. You're parents said they needed you for something important and you've been asleep all day." Kouvr told be while digging through my closet, most likely trying to find me something somewhat presentable to wear. I wasn't really big on the whole dressing 'royally' thing, so I have pretty normal clothes that I wear on a daily basis.

"Here." She said while throwing me a white button up shirt and some black jeans. I groaned at her formal choice of clothing but obliged anyways. I put the clothes on and walked over towards my closet. I slid on a pair of black dress shoes and I grabbed my crown from inside its case. I honestly hated wearing that stupid crown, but what was I going to do about it. Either way my parent would force me to wear it.

I walked down the halls and into the throne room, where my parents usually sit at for a majority of the day, handling meetings, doing paperwork, and any other royal stuff like that. As soon as we both entered the door I noticed my parents were standing up, speaking with what appeared to be another king and queen from a nearby kingdom. A skinny girl with blonde hair and a long, silk dress was standing behind them. Slightly off to the side stood Tony, who appeared to be extremely anxious as he paced around a little bit.

"Ah, Ondreaz, welcome." My mother said while running over to me and leading me towards the three. "This is Mr and Mrs Keech from the Clubhouse kingdom. Their beautiful daughter, Daisy, will become your new queen when you are united in marriage, along with the uniting of our two kingdoms." My eyes widened. I mean, yeah she was beautiful, but I don't exactly find her attractive in that way.

"I-I- Why wasn't I informed of this?" I asked, receiving sympathetic looks from Tony and Kouvr. That must've been why Tony was acting so strange when I arrived. He was one of the only people who knew that I was gay. "We thought it would be a lovely surprise for you! You and Daisy shall spend the entire day together-"

"Your majesty! It's urgent!" The best knights in our kingdom, Jaden and Dixie, called out while running into the room, effectively cutting my parents off from their wild rant. "What could be more important than discussing my son's future queen?" My father boomed out, a scowl present on his face.

"It's three red tier pirates that we just caught. One of them seems to be a higher rank than just a looter. But the two looters escaped. We need you down there now!" Dixie told my parents hurriedly. "I'm sorry, Dixie but I have to discuss the negotiation with the Clubhouse kingdom right now and-"

"I'll go!" I cut him off quickly, a bit too enthusiastic about everything. "I mean, I've read all about the pirates and I know the proper punishments for each degree. I can handle it." I told my father with a pleading expression. He sighed and nodded, allowing me to go down to the dungeon to find the proper punishments for the pirate.

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