Part 7-"Has everyone around me gone insane"

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"Jesus stop!" Freddie was horrified as he slid to the corner of his seat "listen I'm going to take you home and forget that this conversation took place"

"Is that what you really want?" Diana scooted over close beside him, and began to play with his ear "wouldn't you rather come home with me?"

Pushing her back Freddie began to panic "has everyone around me gone insane?"

"Oh stop pretending you haven't thought about it Freddie, I know I have" Diana purred, a hiccup escaping her.

"NO! NEVER! Not even for a single moment....EVER!"

Diana gave a sad girlish pout "oh boo! I was hoping you'd be more fun. Than again maybe that's why Daisy spends so much time at work, she's bored"

"Did she say that?" Diana caught Freddie's attention with her comment.

"Yes, we were all discussing it the other day, she was saying that she needed something new to bring some excitement into her boring life, that's why she's helping Mikhael....ooops" Diana accidentally on purpose, revealed the one thing Daisy had asked the girls to keep secret.

Freddie clenched his fists while his face remained calm and composed "I need you to stop talking"

Diana gave a shrieking laugh "oh stop it you big sook, here" she opened the inner zipper of her handbag and pulled out a small bag of coke "take this, you'll feel so much better"

Freddie had never known Diana to take drugs, she barely drank in social situations, so the fact that she had a bag of cocaine, was almost as surprising as her offering him sex.

As the car pulled up at the front of the Taylors, Diana leaned in one last time "you sure you don't want to come up?"

"Get out"

"Suit yourself, you know where to find me" with a wink she waltzed out of the car, and headed towards her front door.

Pulling the door shut behind her, Freddie felt his rage grow. Bashing on the privacy window, he waited for it to lower "take me home...NOW!"


Daisy had made herself a relaxing bath and was about to step into it as Freddie burst in through the bathroom, startling her.

He stood in front of her enraged, trying to compose a sentence that didn't include something he would later regret saying.

"Hi darling do you want to join me?" Daisy smiled kindly before turning to see his expression "oh God what happened"

"Are you helping Mikhael even though I specifically told you NOT to?"

Daisy took a deep breath then let out a sigh "yes but only because...."

"Did you tell the girls that you wanted some excitement because you were bored with me so you brought in Mikhael ?!"

Daisy took a step back, trying to comprehend what she had just heard "wait what?! NO! Where did you even get that from?!"

"! DIANA!" Freddie's voice was beginning to grow louder "the father wasn't enough so now the son too!"

"How FUCKING dare you say that to me! After everything I..." her voice broke as the memory of Alex raping her flooded her mind.

Freddie regretted the comment and softened for a moment "why would she lie Daisy? She was drunk and high when she told me, that's when people are most honest"

"Diana was WHAT?" Daisy felt like a bus had just hit her with everything that was being thrown at her.

"Don't change the subject, why would she say it if it weren't true? Margot said it too!"

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about right now"

"Convenient. Maybe I should give you some space to think then"

Leaving the bathroom, he slammed the door angrily before rushing out of the apartment. He was enraged and overwhelmed with the cocktail of information and emotions he was faced with.

His confusion over Diana's behaviour was disturbing enough, along with her confession of cheating on Roger, but now Mikhael was in their lives and suddenly the world was upside down.

Daisy emerged from the bathroom carefully. She pulled her robe in close to her, then watched Freddie's body language before deciding it was safe for her to approach.

"I know it's stupid but I feel sorry for him, he has no one"

Freddie turned, his face relaxed and understanding. He extended his arms out towards her, a forgiving smile crossed his lips "come here my kind hearted princess"

Sliding into his arms, Daisy sighed in relief, thankful that her actions didn't result in a huge argument with Freddie. She inhaled his cologne, he always smelt divine.

"I need to tell you something about Diana" Freddie finally confessed while kissing Daisy's forehead gently.

"Oh there's more? You mean she wasn't just drunk and high?" Daisy's tone was exhausted from the drama and began to imagine the worst.

"She's cheating on Roger"

Daisy flew out of Freddie's arms horrified " SHE'S WHAT!?"

FUTILE MOVEMENTS (VOLUME IV)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ