You. Me. Prom.

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"Hyung.. I dont know if this is gonna work.. what if he says no? What if he hates me for this? W-what if he never wants to see me again?" Taehyung says panically as he paces back and forth outside the class room. Hes been planning this since forever ago.

Jungkook was doing his thing like always he was sitting in the little library area with his carrots and other snacks reading a book.

"Look it's all gonna be okay. Hes definitely gonna say yes trust me. Hes been wanting to go to prom since joining high school. Plus you guys love each other. I know hes gonna say yes so just get over yourself and ask him." Jin said slightly aggravated.

Taehyung took a deep breath and grabbed the tupper box pull of pancakes and carrots along with some candy and a poster board that read "Be my lil bunny and hop to prom with me" and walked into the classroom.

"G-gukkie...?"taehyung said softly. The younger looked at him still eating his carrots. "Umm.. will you be my lil bunny and hop to prom with me this year? Y-you wanna go to prom with me Gukkie?" Taehyung said as he held out the box of goodies and the poster board.

Taehyung could here crying from in front of him and dropped everything. "Baby what's wrong? Did I do something?" He said trying to comfort the boy.

"G-gukkie wub Tae-Tae!" Jungkook said as he tackled taehyung.  The elder just chuckled and hugged him back. "So is that a yes then?" Taehyung said earning a huge nod from the younger.

Dinner time came and namjoon was still gone. Taehyung and jungkook didnt think too much on it so they didnt bother asking about it again.

After dinner jungkook had gone to the restroom by himself only to bring a surprise to taehyung when he came upstairs to their bedroom.

"W-what the-" taehyung choked on air trying to comprehend what was goin on  on the bed.

"Mm.. tae tae help pweaseee.." jungkook whined as he was sat up on the bed eith nothing but one of taehyungs school shirt on completely unbuttoned and nothing under. His face was flushed red and he was shaking.

"Mm taetae want yours.. not dis.. no wike it.. Hoppie said ish feel good.. but gukkie no wike it.." jungkook whined.

"That bastard.." taehyung mumbled. He quickly went to the younger and picked him up and putting he down on the bed gently.

"Ah. Guk you're really messing with me right now.." he groaned.

"Helps pweaseee daddy! No wike it!" Jungkook whined.

"Okay fine fine!" Taehyung said as he slowly took out the item from the youngers bottom and through to the ground.

The younger gripped taehyung with his legs and pulled him closer.

"Gukkie want yours now.." jungkook said slightly pressing himself agasint taehyung.

Not long after they finally took a bath and of course jungkook wanted his strawberry bubble soap to play with so they snuggled in the bath and played with the toys and soap..

Not the best but aye I'm tryin here..

Anyway hope you're enjoying.

Also I've seen other writers do a thing where they ask the readers to ask q for the characters so I wanna try it so please please help author out and ask questions.~


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