Chapter One

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Howard shifts restlessly in his sleep - the dream starts:

It's dusk and a woman is standing in front of the main door of a dark, derelict mansion. The door slowly swings open. As she steps inside, she is startled by a low noise. She looks about in the gloom but can see no-one. She walks quickly across the large entrance hall. Weaving erratically around the abandoned furniture and general debris, she reaches the foot of the stairs. The wood underfoot, creaks and groans. The woman looks worried by this and also by some very odd noises echo-ing around the empty house. She gets to the top of the staircase and walks across to the nearest door. As she is about to turn the handle, the door swings open by itself. The woman is rooted to the spot, as a strange mist flows from the room and surrounds her.

Howard wakes with a start. "Damn! What is it with this dream?" He thinks "That's the third time in the last couple of weeks."
He sits up and turns on the bedside lamp. He glances at the time on his phone. It's 4am.
Better try and get back to sleep, we've got promo tomorrow, got to be up early! Howard reminds himself.
He switches off the light and lies back down. He lies in the dark, trying to relax, but the dream is still on his mind. Why has it been exactly the same each time and who is the woman and why is she walking round a deserted house. He shakes his head to try and clear his mind. Howard eventually drifts off as his mobile shows 5am.

Later that morning Howard is having breakfast with the rest of the band.
"You look rough." states Gary, looking at his friend's tired face.
"Had a bad night's sleep, that's all" "Oh, why's that? Gary asks.
"Umm..." Howard doesn't mention the dream, he stifles a yawn.
"I kept waking up. Dunno why." Howard replies.
"Right. More coffee should help then." Gary suggests and get up to go and get Howard another coffee.
"Thanks mate" Howard answers sleepily.
"Well, we should be finished by four. So, not too late today." Says Jason, who'd been listening to their conversation.
"Yeah, we've only got a couple of magazine interviews to do" added Mark.
Yeah, But we've got to do some photo's too to go with um" Howard reminds him.
Oh, it'll be fine. The make-up people can do wonders!" Gary laughs as he rejoins them, bringing back Howard's espresso.
The coffee has the desired effect, which was lucky as about 15 minutes later Tom, their manager, appears and says,
"Right lads, the van here, lets get going."

Emily woke-up and shivered. It was that dream again. It spooked her. In the dream she was wandering around a derelict house. It seemed so real, which was why it disturbed her so much and because it was the third time she'd had the same dream in the last two weeks. She didn't usually remember her dreams, but this one was strange.

She stretched and got out of bed. Time to get ready for work. Emily quickly showered and got dressed. Then drank her morning coffee while doing her make-up and hair.
"Well, that'll have to do" she spoke to her reflection in the mirror. Grabbing her coat and bag she hurried out of the flat heading for the tube.

Emily arrived at work and switched on her computer to check her emails and the latest music and celebrity news stories. She worked for a national music magazine. It was a busy and often chaotic job but she loved it. She got free tickets to gigs and special previews as part of her job, as she did some of the live reviews and occasionally interviews with new bands. She'd not worked there long and was hoping that eventually she'd be asked to do an interview with one of the bigger bands.

"Hey, Emily, can you come in for a minute? " Her boss Matt called over to her from his office.
"Yes, Matt" she replied, wondering what he wanted.
"Emily, you have a great oppotunity today to interview one of the biggest bands around at the moment. Alex was meant to be doing it but he's called in sick with the flu. So, this is your big chance. This is a very important interview for the magazine and for the band. It's to promote their new album. So, what do you think? Are you ready for this?" Matt looked expectantly at Emily.
"Oh yes! Yes of course, Thanks! I won't let you down Matt."
"I know you won't" Matt smiled.
"I'll need to do some background, who's the band?"
"Take That"
"Oh" Emily was slightly disappointed. She knew they were the hottest pop band around, but she was hoping for someone slightly more indie or at least a bit more credible. Though she did like "Shine" and had heard their new album already and it wasn't too bad for a former boyband - what did they call themselves now? A manband? She laughed to herself. Oh well, as least they'll be good to look at.
"You're to meet them at one, they've got another interview before, but then they're all yours, laughed Matt.
Emily pulled a face. "Ok, one o'clock. Where's the location for the interview?"
"Soho House," Matt said, looking puzzled. "What's wrong? I thought you'd jump at the chance to meet them. Most woman seem to go weak at knees at the mere mention of their name!" Matt replied.
"Not every woman" Emily rather pointedly replied.
"Oh, you a Westlife fan then? Matt joked.
"No!" Emily said in disgust,"
I prefer real bands, who play instruments and aren't all about the image."
Sorry, only teasing you. If this interview is a success, you can have your pick next time."
"I'm sorry Matt. I didn't mean to be ungrateful. I was just surprised we would consider interviewing a pop band that's all" apologised Emily.
She was starting to get a bit excited about the interview. It would be interesting to see the real people behind the image. See if there was anything other than the image. Who were they really? This could be a really great piece if they were willing to open up a bit.
"It's ok... But Take That aren't just any old boyband. They have reinvented themselves and changed the rules about how to be a popband. So you should get a good story out of this." Explained Matt.
"Yes, I was just starting to realise that." replied Emily. "It will be good. Is Will doing the photo's?" Emily asked, getting back to the practicalities of the afternoon.
"Yes, He'll meet you there." Matt replied.
"Ok. I'll better and go and do some background reading." Emily said.

Later, after much reading about the band and watching numerous video clips, Emily switched off her computer. She hadn't realised quite how good they were or how successful they had been and that Gary Barlow was consider to be one of the top pop songwriters this country has ever produced. She now could see why they were held in such high esteem by the pop industry. She now felt a bit stupid being so dismissive about them before. The rock and indie scene were a bit snooty about pop bands, usually with good reason but Take That were the exception.

Now she couldn't wait to meet them!
Emily strolled out of the office and looking down the road, waited at the kerb to get a cab to the interview.

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