CHAPTER 2: May I consume your baguette?

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They fuck. Thats it. Thats the chapter.

"I would very much enjoy it if you give permission me to consume your overly-humongous lower piece of male généthliaque."

"Oui oui," You growled, biting your lip, "My baguette is all yours."

"Ohmyohmy! My petit croissant is no match for your tres deliciouz baguette of all trades!" 😻😻😻

"En garde! Baguette sword fight! Aujour'hui! Maintenant! This dick gluten-free!"

The twink gasped. "Yes, we love some vegan dick!"

"Arrêt les deux garçons!" The french teacher scolds. "This is not what international day is all about!"

"Désolé madame..." You apologize and drag the twink into the hallway, dick lowkey still kinda hard. But you ain't saying nothing.

"[y/n],,, that was fun! Je suis très excité!" Thé twink exclaims.

You sigh and glare at the stupid bitchass twink. "Ok maybe I'm into bread rp but like.. not now! Maybe at lunch..."

The twink bites his lip suggestively, "You better be bready for my buns."

"'re making my baguette dance. Shut up twink." You say like a tsundere ass motherfucker. "It's not like I liked it or anything..."

"Ohhh! Call me twink again!!!!" 😻😻😻😻 He tugs on your uniform like a bottom.

You realise your baguette isn't going down, so you pull the twink into the bathroom stall. It smell kinda like piss but it's cool.

"I see your eiffel tower is excited," Twinkci points out. "You should call him pierre. Cuz a rock is a pierre.... Haha... sexy..." He licks his lips. Does he have a rock kink??? You wouldn't be surprised. He's into breadplay. The B in BDSM is baguette for him.

"Ok." You say, locking him into the bathroom stall and leave. Dick is no longer hard.

"Aww come on!!! You could've locked me in your locker instead!! I don't wanna smell like piss [y/n] senpai!"

"You already do tho." You groan and walk to your own friend group for lunch. Oh wait. You don't have friends. Aside from pierre. So mysterious hahah! 😻😻😻

"Where the fuck is the twink?" Anna asks the lunch group. "My strap on is ready, bitch didn't show the fuck up????"

"I haven't seen him all day... I wonder if something happened;" Alexa worries.

Vanessa glares at you. She looks like a disappointed asian mother. "The french teacher do be screaming bout some twink and breadplay though. Don't lie."

"I think I remember that Vinci said something about wanting to deepthroat an 8 inch baguette tho,," Elly states. It's not like it's something new though, this twink won the Horny Awards 2020.

You get sweaty ass palms, cause like, they already know. "Uh. I ain't hear shit??????"

The twink suddenly messages you on instagram, spamming thirsty emojis such as: 💋😻💓👁👄👁🤤🥖💦He's using both his spam, main and his spam spam.

Twink: 👁👄👁 when you gonna pull thru with the baguette though???????🥖💦😿

Twink: i got that fromage 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤

"I knew it your horny ass bitch," Anna says, clicking her tongue, "go get that mini-croissant!!!!"

twink!vinci x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now