Start from the beginning

How insulting. To Sasha and Conny's dismay, Valen crumpled the flyer and shoved it in the pocket of her cloak— it'd do a decent job of fueling the fire tonight. "Intersection's clear. Keep moving," Valen ordered curtly. Crossing the road, Conny griped indistinctly— something along the lines of her being a grump. The crowd swallowed them again, caging them on all sides. Valen primmed her lips— what they were doing was dangerous. Openly mingling among the civilian body, cloaked and hauling their belongings using big, bulky backpacks... in her mind, she visualized all the ways their plan could go wrong.

Valen's hand absentmindedly brushed against Levi's, and her skin tingled— she recalled yesterday when he'd come bounding down the stairs. What she'd been thinking, staying in the cellar and casually conversing with him, still confused her, muddling her brain and fogging her thinking process. Her decision had been purely instinctual, an unprecedented response charged by her inability to control herself— yet she'd taken pleasure in the task, holding his hand in hers and idly striking conversation. And when they'd nearly kissed— Valen had never been so confused, so entirely conflicted. And he was just as perplexed, too. She could see in his eyes, sense the nervousness rolling off his body in waves. Many things were going unsaid between them, things that would never be explained.

Sooner or later, things would explode.

"May I have your attention please?!" They stopped and turned to the speaker— an MP stood atop a stage, flags bearing the crest of the royal family hanging all around him. "King Fritz has heard of the hardships in Trost. He is donating the royal family's reserves." A collective gasp rose from the crowd. "Form a line! There's plenty to go around."

"All that food and he's just giving it away?" Sasha questioned, bewildered— how she hadn't scurred in line surprised Valen.

"It's not as if he needs it all," Levi said plainly. "Easier to control people when they're not starving." They continued walking as a group until Levi halted, and looked back. "Behind us, look out!"

"What—" Conny said. In the blink of an eye, a covered wagon ripped down the road. Its cover rippled in the wind as people dove for the sidewalks, evading the moving vehicle.

"Armin—" Valen glared daggers in Sasha's direction. "Uh, I mean Christa and Eren! Those bastards are running off with them!"

And the wagon disappeared behind a corner, setting their plan in motion.


Levi produced a pair of wigs from a bag, one brown, one brown and short-haired, the other blond and of longer length. Jean loured, and Armin glanced to the Captain uncertainly. "Again?" Jean moaned.

"It's our only plan," Levi said, hurtling their corresponding wigs. Armin fumbled with his wig while Jean seethed at his. Levi dipped his hand in the bag, this time producing a skirt identical to Historia's. He rolled it into a lump before tossing it to Armin. "If everything goes according to plan, we should be able to properly identify the enemy."

"So, uh..." Levi turned to an uncertain Conny, who anxiously scratched his head. "What exactly are we doing?"

"We're executing a body-double mission," Levi answered. "While Eren and Historia are being transported to Commander Pyxis', Armin and Jean will be acting as their doubles. We'll take down the kidnappers and work from there."

"And who came up with this?" Jean growled, crossing his arms. Levi gestured to Valen. "Wasn't there a way that couldn't have involved, I don't know, cross-dressing?"

"If there's anyone knowledgeable on traffickers, it'd be me," Valen replied coolly. "As long as we abide by protocol, this plan should proceed accordingly."

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