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POV: Ochako Uraraka

I sit quietly when the bell rings. Aizawa Sensei walks in as usual, except, he looked slightly more alert. The subtle change is enough to capture my attention.

"Students as you may have heard.. from radio, television, gossip, or otherwise.. the Emerald Ripper is at large."

"The body of one of our support class students was found with his branding last night."

A hushed gasp falls across the room. We all knew that he'd start going after us at some point, but now that he'd started it didn't seem real.

I feel nauseous, Deku.. how could you? I raise my hand slowly, "Sir?"

"Uraraka?" he responds groggily while pointing at me.

"I'm sorry if I'm overstepping my bounds with this question but.. do they know who was murdered?"

He seems to hesitate for a moment, but then looks to the papers on the podium, "As I said before.. it was a support class student." Aizawa evens out the papers, and then looks back up to me. "It was Mei Hatsume."

An even louder gasp circles the room. A couple of choked back sobs echo in my ears. Then I hear the sound of a chair scratch the floor. My eyes follow the noise, and I see my blue haired best friend standing.

"Hatsume..," Iida falls to his knees in the middle of the classroom, he grasps at his school slacks. His fingernails dig into the soft material. The boy's shoulders shake as he sobs silently.

I instantly stand up and rush to his side, how was I supposed to sit still and watch that. "Hey, hey, Iida, come here," I pull him into a hug. It doesn't matter that the entire class is probably staring at us. It's not my fault they don't know why he's so upset.

Something courses through me like a rush of adrenaline, except I can't tell if it's anger of sadness. More than likely it's a mixture of both.

The boy I loved, the boy I love. How could he be so ruthless. Sure, there was no way he could've known that Iida and Hatsume were dating, but still. How could you just kill one of your own classmates like that.

"Uraraka, would you mind helping him to the hallway?" the black haired male, that stood at the front of the classroom, asked. He seemed cold at first glance, but the brunette knew he was trying his best to be sympathetic.

I nod, a tear falling down my cheek as I rub my friend's back. "Come on," I whisper.

We stand together, and walk into the hallway. "I'm sorry, I need to be professional," Tenya speaks messily, tears still flowing rapidly down his face, "I just loved her so much."

"I know, I know," I pull the blue haired boy back into my arms, "you don't always have to be strong."

We stand in the empty hallway for a while, I just let him cry onto my back. Even if I couldn't be there for him, I'll be here for you.

After his sobs die down, I hear him speak faintly, "It confuses me, I know Midoriya and her weren't always on the best terms, but it's hard to believe that he would go that far."

The name sounds bitter being spoken into the air. "I'm scared our Deku may be gone."

I'm just saying, don't get too attached to anyone in this story please. It's with your best interest in mind that I'm saying this. Please consider leaving a vote if you enjoyed!

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