The two new Mutants were on two separate beds.

The two new teens started to wake up with a groan. They started to open their eyes and saw five unfamiliar teenagers. The two all jumped up and fighting stances. "Who are you guys?! Where are we?!" The Blond glared.

"Woah..easy there..we're one of you." Quill told the two teens as his metal claws came from between his knuckles,Jira snapped her fingers and a fire ball appeared,Zephyr grew wolf ears and tail,Chance began to lift random objects with her powers,and Harley created an electric orb. The two teens got out of their fighting stances, relaxing, knowing they were mutants like them.

"Where are we?" The white streaks female looked around. Jira smiled "It's our treehouse."

"What are your names?" The Blond boy asked.

"Oh I'm Quill."

"Names Zephyr."


"I'm Harley."

"My names Jira."

The icy blue Streaks female got off the bed and went over the the blond boy. "It nice you meet you guys. I'm Nya and that's Riley." Nya introduced herself and the blond boy.

"You guys have any code names?" Chance asked.

"What are your powers?" Asked Zephyr.

"I have Flight." Riley told them as his Wings sprouted. "And my code name was Angel."

Well..I have Ice manipulation." Nya said as she swirled her hands and created a snowball,then making it disappear. "My code name was Frostbite."

"Those are pretty cool names and powers. How did you guys escape the Facility?" Asked Q.

"It wasn't easy. We escaped it all that matters." Riley said holding Nya close to him. "And Now,we're just trying to get back to our families." She told them. Riley frowned. "Or at least someone."

The teens noticed Riley's frown. "What do you mean Angel?" Zephyr softy asked.

Riley crosses his arms,his wings went around him like a blanket and sat on the bed. "I..It's nothing.." Was all Riley could say. Nya sat besides him and wrapped her arm around him. "Angel,it's ok. You can tell them.."

Riley slowly and softly nodded as Q,Chance,Jira,Zephyr,and Harley all sat around him.

Riley's Flashback

Riley was only 5 years old when he discovered his Mutant powers by jumping on his bed as White angel wings sprouted out of his back and he started hovering.

He so excited to have a special ability that he didn't notice it was a Mutant power. But he thought as long as he kept it hidden from everybody,except other mutants,he would be safe. He was afraid to tell his parents because he was afraid of their reaction.

One day when He was 10,he and his parents were in the living room watching tv while Riley was just playing with his action figures.

The news turned on saying that a virus is affecting 40% of the children around the world leaving them with special abilities. Children gaining the abilities are called Mutants. You can either be born with them or gained by the virus.

"Now, for our top story: the MRD, Mutant Response Division, have been capturing any mutant found and placing them in their mutant prison in their facility."

Stryker is standing proudly in from of the camera. "helping the human race be safer by ridding the world of those dangerous mutants."

"That's great!" Riley's Dad exclaimed. "That'll finally get rid of those mutant freaks."

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