"Because it's fun." Tara was just petty as hell. "And they all don't hate me. Just Hana." I felt that was enough hate to make up for the entire group.

I sighed before scooting around to face her, the carpet feeling rough through my jeans. "I don't like people, you know this. And parties just aren't my thing."

"You've never been to one, how can you say that?" Tara shot back. Oh, she was challenging me today.

"It's literally a place where a bunch of people gather. It's too crowded. I don't like drawing attention."

"You wouldn't, because it's a party. Everyone is there doing their own thing and just tryna chill. And you could bring Indigo." She sucked at being convincing. "Please Tati? Just do this one favor for me?"

"Wooooow." I stretched out the word dryly. "Did you get a case of memory loss? Because I do favors for you all the time."

Tara nodded in agreement. "I know. I meant this one favor for the day."

I scoffed, half in amusement and the other in disbelief. "Of course you did."

Tara jumped out of her bed and onto the floor, bowing her head to the ground. "Tati, you know I would do anything for you too. But I promise for the rest of our lives I'll never ask you to attend a party again if you go with me. Please? I don't wanna go by myself." She said that last part pathetically. Tara was more popular than me, no doubt, but she had no friends. That was due to too many guys in school thinking she was cute and her obliviousness. She came on too strong and sometimes very loud, which tended to turn people off.

I sighed loudly, considering whether to go. Tara knew she was chipping away at my wall, so she continued. "I'll help you get dressed, but I won't make you wear something crazy." I hmmed and she pressed on. "I'll cook for the next two weeks." I gave one hm. I wasn't interested in that. She was losing me. "Okay okay. I'll do the bathroom for an entire week." I crossed my arms in front of my chest and glared at her. "Okay, a month." I nodded in agreement. I wasn't trying to get played.

"What else?" I asked. There was a lot she was going to have to promise for me to fully budge. Tara thought for a moment before shrugging her shoulders.

"I don't know. What do you want?"

Immediately I knew what I was going to say. "No more skipping class, do your homework every night, and study for every test."

Tara's face shifted in disgust. "You can literally ask for anything and that's what you come up with? I'd rather die."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't have to go to that party."

Tara panicked. "No! I promise. Now will you go with me?"

Reluctantly, I nodded. Tara jumped on me, swaying us side to side. "Yay! I love you!" She kissed me and I rolled my eyes, laughing.

"I love you too. Now get off weirdo!" I swatted her away before I got cooties.

"Omg, I have to prepare! Right now!" She flew to her closet and started tossing out random shit. I looked at her confused. "The party is at the end of the week. Why do you need to do this now?" I asked.

She stopped, her mouth wide open and holding something purple in her hand. "If I had my way, I would've prepared a month ago. This is your first party and you must look gorgeous."

At that statement, I knew I would regret this. Anything to do with hair, make up, and fashion brought out Tara's ambition. I believed her when she said even someone like me was going to look nice, but I was very afraid. I just knew I was going to be in for some pain.


The next day, Indigo came up to me in the hallway at school, bouncing up and down. It was too early to be excited for anything but knowledge.

"What?" I snapped. I was on edge today. I had dreams last night of Tara pulling my hair out of my head and throwing up on someone at the party.

"Your sister came up and talked to me today. She asked me if I wanted to go to the party with you guys." Indigo was smiling, walking alongside me to class.

"Oh yeah?" I said bored.

"Yup! And she said she would like me to help get you ready." I closed my eyes and sighed inwardly. Seriously, what did I get myself into?

I was surprised though. Tara had never talked to Indigo before, so I'd never thought she would make an offer like that.

"And your sister is so nice." Indigo grinned. "She introduced herself, handshake and all, and said she was happy that we're friends."

Wait, we were friends? I sighed. I felt a headache coming. By the gleam in her eye, I could tell she was excited for this. I forgot Indigo was just as creative as my sister.

"I don't like being outnumbered. You guys better not pull something," I said.

She replied with a smirk. "I have no idea what you're talking about." I shook my head. Not only did Tara have back up, but now Indigo was going to be at my house. She really was becoming a "friend". All of this was against my will. I would prefer it if I didn't have any friends. It's just all out of my comfort zone. Plus, I still didn't like Indigo, but I could answer her if she talked to me and eat her pizza. All the other extra shit was nerve wracking.

"Here's the plan," whispered Indigo. "I'll head over to your house in the morning-"

I cut Indigo off. "The morning?" I asked incredulously. And why was she whispering?

"The MORNING. And I'll have all my stuff with me so I can get ready over there. Then me and your sister will work on you."

I could already tell it was going to be a long day. Someone pray for me.


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