Chapter 6

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Clara's eyes fluttered open, stinging with the sunshine that was streaming in through the windows. It takes her a few minutes to take in her surroundings but she notices she is in the hospital wing and not in her dorm. That means all of the events that happened last actually happened. Clara saw Voldemort, she saved Harry...HARRY!! Clara sits bolt upright and looks to her right to see Harry lying in the bed next to her, sitting there eating a chocolate frog that had been left in the large amount of gifts and sweets around his bed.

"Oh you're up," Harry smiles putting down the food and giving Clara his full attention. "How are you feeling?"

"Um, fine, I guess. I didn't really do anything. I should be asking you how you are. Um, h-how are you?" Clara stutters, getting a little nervous and she wasn't sure why.

"Didn't do anything? What do you mean? You pulled me out of there. If it weren't for you, I could still be down there. Thank you," Harry thanked but then becomes a bit confused. "What were you doing there, if you don't mind me asking?" He laughs.

"Oh, um. Neville told me you guys were sneaking out and I wand to make sure you guys weren't getting into trouble I guess, good thing I did," Clara laughs back, crossing her legs on her bed. She then notices that nothing has been left by her bedside. Not even one 'Get Well Soon' card. Clara's smile fades a little but what did she expect really, she wasn't as popular as other members of her year. Harry notices Clara's mood change and starts to feel bad for her. He pulls one of the many boxes of Bertie bots every flavour beans and takes a seat next to Clara on her bed.

"Here," He said, handing her the box. "I know it's not much and it doesn't compare to what you did for me but you can always count on me Clara. You'll always have a friend in me, no matter what house you're in. And besides, I am indebted to you, I owe you one," Harry laughs pulling Clara in for a hug. This is it, this is all Clara wanted since the first day of school. For someone to accept her for who she is and have no doubts about her what's so ever.

"Okay you two, you are both free to go," Madam Pomfrey says rushing into the room and handing to two students final instructions and sending them on their way. Harry and Clara walk out and hospital wig together and make their way to the common rooms, noticing that everyone seems to be staring at the. But in the way that Clara was used to. Maybe it was because she was walking around with the famous Harry Potter, maybe the news of last had already spread or maybe she is in really big trouble and they are just waiting for her to get punished for being out of bed after dark. Either way, Clara wanted to get back to her dorm so she could shower and get out of these clothes. Just as they were about to go their separate ways, Harry grabs Clara's wrist.

"Wait, before you go, there's a couple of people that want to speak to you first," Harry smiles and looks behind him. Clara starts to feel nervous, know exactly who wanted to speak to her, she was just worried about what they had to say. She looks up from her hand so see Hermione running over and pulling her into a hug.

"Clara!" Hermione squeezes her tighter until Clara had to pull away for the lack of air she was getting. "Clara, I can't believe you! I can't believe you were there but I'm so happy you were. Thank you Clara, really!" She says giving her another hugs, being more gentle this time.

"And I know Neville didn't tell you about us," Hermione whispers is Clara's ear, causing her to tense up, which Hermione notices but she just laughs. "Don't worry, I won't tell the boys. Thank you Clara, I'm glad you're my friend." Clara could feel tears trickling down her face as she smiled at Hermione's gesture. As the two pull away, Hermione looks back at Ron, who is hovering behind Harry, as if he were a scared child. Hermione gestures for Ron to come over but he is reluctant so Harry just pushes him over and urges him to speak. Clara prepares herself, so knows Ron doesn't like her very much.

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