it was isolated and borderline creepy but it was good enough for them.

"do you think she hates me?" mattia laughed opening up the bag of wendys.

he passed kairi his burger and fries and watched fondly as kairi laughed with him.
"probably, but she'll change her mind once i tell her what an awesome boyfriend you are, all the convincing me to skip school and stuff." kairi nudged him in his side playfully before laying down and turning on his side.

"well she's going to have to get over it somehow cuz I'm here for good." he maintained eye contact with a quiet kairi as he popped a fry in his mouth.

"for good?" kairi challenged, a smirk sneaking onto his lips.

"yes, you can't get rid of me bitch." kairi tried to remain serious but couldn't help the fit of giggles that slipped past his lips. they only increased when mattia joined in with his obnoxious laugh.

he felt happy like this.

with mattia.

it was the first time in a while that he forgot about everything going on in his real life. he focused only on mattia and his bright smile, his eyes that were hardly visible when he laughed like this.

his laugh was beautiful.
and rare.

yes he smiled and laughed but not like this. kairi didn't want to say he was the main cause for the rare laughs like these but they happened more when he was around.

"bruh if you don't eat that shit its going to get cold." mattia voice pulled kairi from his thoughts and he looked down at his food.

he took a bite of his burger and looked at mattia questioningly. "oh? you scared to waste all of the 5 dollars you spent on this food?"

mattia rolled his eyes and sat up. "no actually i wanted you to eat so you wouldn't be hungry. asshole."

kairi sat up with him and leaned over to rest his head on mattias shoulder.

"awh" he cooed smiling when mattia huffed in annoyance. "he's caring, didn't know it did that."

"alright-" he stood up, pulling kairi up with him. "we are done here."

kairi grabbed his food and pouted. "what why?"

"cute moment has passed, you ruined it kai."
mattia walked back towards the park, kairi trudged behind him.

"sleep over at my house?" he asked as they exited the woods.

mattia looked over his shoulders at kairi and nodded.

it was probably a bad idea considering kairis mom didn't really like mattia and they did just ditch school but they wanted to be together for as long as possible and this was better than going to mattias house.

authors note
this took too long but whatever.

do you guys get what i mean when i say i cannot write cute chapters 😩

anyway um i published a new book.

its called Ride or Die and its basically the cliche concept of gang members x innocent boy.

except kairi is not at all innocent😭 mattia is just extremely protective of him, so he sees him as more fragile than he really is.

i actually like this book, the aesthetic of it all and the way its written. i tried to stray away from making kairi soft like i usually do and made him more like how i'd imagine irl kairi to be and im kind of happy with it.

after a few chapters i usually hate my books but i still like ride or die after 5 chapters so

anyway for more information go read 😭 its 5am and i'm tired as shit so i dont even know if what im saying is making sense.

i wanted to stay up for mairi content cuz they are catching a plane together at 7am.

idk why i lied thats not why i stayed up😭😭 i honestly have a problem. im up because my schedule is trash.

oop- mattias up, he just posted on his spam.

im literally writing for no reason, let me leave yall alone.

side note.
if you like sad stories and can handle like death and shit go read let me go by
basically mattia dies and kairis goes into this self induced coma where he makes his own world where mattia never died and mattia wants him to let him go so he can live his life.

and- when i tell you i cried 💀

i was NOT ready, i knew it would be sad obviously but the writing—

if you cant handle sad stuff dont read (actually suck it up and read bc its good asf)
her writing is superior but let me stop acting like a fan girl 😩 just read it i want to share my experience with more people


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