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mattia looked between the two trying to process the scene in-front of him. alejandro's expression was blank, and he just looked at mattia, almost refusing to look at kairi.

kairi looked shocked, his eyes were wide and his fingers touched his swollen lips, as if confirming what just happened. he stared at alejandro, waiting for him to at the very least look over.

"kairi?" and he remembered faintly that there was a specific reason alejandro actually let him go.

someone had walked in.

kairi opened his mouth in shock before scrambling towards mattia, who thankfully didn't look mad, he did look confused though. like he didn't understand what he walked into.

when kairi was infront of him he grabbed his arm, holding him there because he knew mattia would be the type to walk away without hearing an explanation.
"mattia- i.." he paused breathing in shakily. what could he say to convince mattia?
he knew if it were him in mattias position he would think the worse.

"i tried to push him away from me- i- i promise.. i would never do that to you. he wouldn't let me go."

kairi rushed to get his reasoning out, not wanting mattia to think hed actually be kissing his brother.

mattias expression softened, seeing how stressed kairi looked about it. he belived him right away, he knew he wasn't the type.

carefully he pulled the small boy close to him, wrapping his arms around him and sighing in content, this being their first hug since everything between them.

his chest tightened when he noticed that kairi had started crying. "hey- baby its fine, you're okay." he ran his fingers through kairis hair gently knowing it always made him feel better. "i believe you." he told him.

but just them he realized what that actually meant and tensed up.

kairi pulled away and looked at mattia worried. "whats wrong?" he inspected him carefully and realized his attention wasn't on him.

instead staring at his brother.

alejandro looked guilty, like he regretted forcing himself on kairi but mattia didn't care. "kai, go in my room."

kairi hesitated before shaking his head. "mattia dont." he knew mattia and he knew that as soon as kairi left he would attack alejandro.

it wasn't necessarily him protecting him. he was mad too.

not only did alejandro take advantage of kairis vulnerability and kiss him when he was obviously not in the right state of mind. but on top of that it was forceful and rough.

though he knew alejandro well enough to know he wouldn't go that far it was still scary, not being in control of your own body parts.

so he wasn't staying because he didn't want alejandro to get punched, he was staying for mattia.

he knows mattia cant keep fighting because his parents are getting fed up. so if he fought now, especially his brother he would definitely get in trouble.

"kairi. let me go." mattia said this quietly trying to remove kairis hands from his arm.

kairi shook his head, eyes still trained on mattias angry face. "no."

alejandro swallowed thickly, twiddling with his fingers in his lap. "kai- I'm sorry." he said quietly.

kairis chest tightened and he turned to look at a very guilty looking alejandro.

"are you fucking kidding me?" mattia budded in when he saw that kairi wasn't going to be able to say anything. "you forced yourself on kairi, what was going to happen if i didn't walk in?"

alejandro shook his head quickly. "nothing-"

"bullshit! did you just not notice that kairi wasn't kissing back? did you ignore how he was pushing you away?" mattia tried again to pull away from kairi but the smaller boy just held on to him tightly.
mattia turned around so that he could just push kairi away but paused when he saw the way he winced.

"whats wrong." he asked him watching kairi whos hands wrapped around his own torso.

"show me." mattia said, more sternly this time.

kairi glanced over at alejandro who watched them intently and sighed. he stepped away just slightly to give himself space and lifted his shirt just a little bit.

mattia looked at kairis pale hips, and he saw the forming bruises littering the skin. he could just faintly here the gasp from the other boy in the room.

"baby.." he reached over towards kairi to somehow comfort him. kairi shook his head and dropped his shirt. "im fine... i just bruise easliy i guess. its fine."

this made mattia madder and he could almost feel his blood boiling, he wasn't there so he didn't realize how hard alejandro was holding him until now.
he turned to alejandro, noting quickly that kairi was no longer holding him back. he walked closer to his brother, jaw clenched.

alejandro took in a deep breath, eyes glossing over slightly, just now realizing how bad what he did was. he physically hurt kairi.
"im so-" but he was quickly muted by mattias fist.

he looked up at his brother with wide eyes, hands cupping his jaw. he wasn't really shocked because he thought he wouldn't do it, he was shocked because he wasn't warned before being punched in his face.

"mattia!" kairi rushed over to the two, pulling mattia away from alejandro by his waist.

"kairi let me go!" his voice was harsh but kairi knew his anger wasn't with him so he ignored it.

he just hugged him from the back and didn't let him go until he good feel him calm down.
mattia turned around in kairis arms looking at his worried expression.

"its okay, i wont hit him again." he said, smiling when kairi let him go.

the both looked over at alejandro who reluctantly held eye contact. "i'm really sorry. i am, i understand if you cant forgive me right now kairi but i really didn't realize how rough i was being with you." he said and he seemed sincere but it was hard for kairi to keep just forgiving him after everything he's done.

it was easier at first because he felt like he deserved it but it was getting too much for him now. "okay." was all he said and alejandro looked disappointed but kairi didn't feel bad.

he needed time away from alejandro.

"cmon kai." mattia said, not even looking in alejandros direction before walking out the room, kairi in tow.

authors note:
because i am evil there will be a little drama next chapter 😭 im sorry i just cant continue the book with casual chapters they are so dumb. dont worry they are going to be together im just going to add a lil hiccup but it will only last a chapter, and probably not even the whole chapter. just a little 🤏🏾 drama.

but idk im going to make a few more chapters but i might end the book soon cuz i have no idea what to do😩

unless.. you give me ideas 🤷🏾‍♀️ 🥺

but when im done you can read my other mairi stories. when this is done i can probably spend more time on the two stories i talked about a while ago.

so yeah


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