Above her is a woman with short blonde and another woman who is wearing glasses, the blonde haired woman smile down at her. "Ow, my head. I feel sick." Lucie groans as she slowly sits with the help of the blonde haired woman.

"You ok, Lucie." The blonde quizzes, as she examines the young girl quickly.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She trails off as soon as she notices who is standing in front of her. "Oh my god. Kate." She gasps.

"Hi." The woman smiles once again at the young woman. "Oh by the way, here's some clothes for you that was left by your older self." She says the other woman comes running over with the items.

"Wait, why would my older self leave- oh for crying out loud." Lucie groans as she looks down at what she's wearing. "Where can I get changed?" She quizzes the woman.

"There's a private bathroom over there." Kate points over towards a door down the corridor.

"Thanks." Lucie smiles as she rushes down the corridor.

Once she's change out of her pj's and into the clothes, she comes out of the bathroom with a smile on her face. She walks down the corridor trying to find a place to put her pj's. "Put them in here." A familiar accent fills her ears.

"Jesus Christ, do you mind?" The woman jumps at the sound of the Scottish man next to her, who is holding out a bag.

"I'm the Doctor, not Jesus." He replies as he watches her shove the pyjamas into the bag.

Rolling her eyes at the Doctor, she follows him towards Kate and the other woman who are stood in near a computer. She notices a video of Osgood, who looks like she is about to read a prepared statement.

"Shit!" Lucie mumbles as she notices the creatures behind Osgood.

"Language." The Doctor scowls at the young woman.

"Sorry, dad." She replies sarcastically, pulling a face when the time lord turns his back.

Looking back at the computer, she watches as Osgood nervously begins to speak. "UNIT troops will be destroyed wherever they are in the world. The enemies of our race will be destroyed wherever they are in the world. The war is about to begin. There will be truth or there will be consequences." Osgood reads from the sheet of paper.

As the message ends, The Doctor gets his phone out of his pocket and uses it. "Call me now." He demands down the phone. "You. A word now." He then says to Lucie.

"What? Why?" She quizzes. "I haven't done anything." She whines.

"Not yet, you haven't. But still a word." He says ushering her towards a corner of the room. "Now, can you remember anything of what happens here?" He quizzes her.

"Not really. My mind is still fuzzy." She confesses to the man.

"Ok, but remember don't stress out if you can't remember things." He smiles softly at her.

"Ok." She utters.

"You two, the car is here." Kate interrupts the pair of them.

Grinning, Lucie follows Kate, the Doctor and the other woman who is named Jac. Sitting in the back beside the Doctor, Lucie watches as they drive towards Clara's flat where they're going to pick her up.

Once they pick up Clara, the UNIT vehicle they are in arrives at the destination. Lucie, Clara and the Doctor all get out of the vehicle and meet Jac and Kate. "This is where the Zygon High Command had their secret base." Kate informs the trio.

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