Day 18 Doing Something Together

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Hey there eveyone! It's me again for Day 18 of the 30 Day OTP Challenge! Now Today is a lot different however because Today is a Do Whatever You Want Day, You can pick anything you want for them to do together, but I didn't really know what I wanted to do for them, so I asked my family if they had any ideas, and my Mom suggested that I should draw them going for a Walk. And I thought that was Perfect! So I decided to draw these two Cuties going for a walk together! Enjoy! :>

 And I thought that was Perfect! So I decided to draw these two Cuties going for a walk together! Enjoy! :>

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Awwwww I Love this one! This one of my favourites too! So Cute, Adorable, And Simple!

Okay, so that'll be it for today, and I'll see you all later for Day 19! Bye Love You All! :) <3 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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