::: We Are Anonymous :::

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   You squeeze yourself through the window as your body slams against the floor. The guy who claims to be Anonymous follows behind, you look around and it's just a standard apartment with a lot of space being taken up by a desk and computer. A neat bed in one corner and a mini fridge in the other.
   "So Mr.Anonymous this is your place?" You ask looking at him, he nods and sits in his desk chair, pushing you gently so you sit on his bed.
   "Listen y/n, when I say I'm Anonymous I really mean it. I'm one of only members of this 'hacker group' that has a real identity associated with Anonymous. I go out in person and I think you're perfect," he explains, his compliment catching you off guard.
   "That's flattering."
   "Oh! I mean perfect as in you're a perfect voice for us, you aren't associated with us therefore if you get caught we can't be caught,"
   "So you want to use me?" You ask flatly, he panics and rolls his chair closer to you.
   "No, I don't want to use you. I just know you have similar ideals as I do, you're a strong attractive person who can spread the information we need spread in the real world. Please y/n," He hold your hand and begs you, taking a few seconds to contemplate your options you decide to agree; he has the information you crave and he's letting you be their voice.
   "Yes on one condition," you look at him, he tilts his head as a sign of confusion and gestures for you to go on. "The media exposed my full name which means if I'm spreading all of this confidential information, my home is no longer safe for me to stay so.... can I... stay here with you?"
   You see his body become still in thought, he stays silent but then nods firmly as a response. Y/N can't help but smile at him, goosebumps rippling throughout your body. Your feel heat creep to your cheeks and place your hand in them firmly and sigh. 'I must be seriously exhausted if some masked stranger is making me blush' you think to yourself awkwardly and look around.
"Where will I sleep?" You hesitate as you ask, he stands tall and rubs the back of his head.
"Shit, I didn't expect you to stay so I don't have anything prepared..." he shuffles with his pillows and turns to you, "my bed?"
"Excuse me?"
"Wait-I didn't mean it like that, you sleep in my bed and I'll sleep at my desk in my chair," he explains himself, your presence was obviously flustering him.
Not wanting to sleep on the floor, you curl up in the large bed and thick blankets all for yourself.
"We have an important protest to go to tomorrow, it'll be nice to see if you meet my expectations"


Waking up your eyes immediately search for the anonymous man. You weren't dumb enough to blindly trust a stranger around you unconscious so this is about the 5th time you've woken up to check for his whereabouts.
Like the other times you see him in front of the computer whilst reading large documents, the mask still on his face. He didn't sleep at all through the night as far as you could tell. Sitting up you stretch and watch him in silence, he prints out several papers still not noticing that you're awake
"So Anon, what's the plan today?" You ask, your voice startles him. He then turns to you and keeps going about his work.
"I'm seeing what other Anonymous have found and I'm printing them out in bulk." he answers in a deep, husky voice. It was obvious that the lack of sleep was effecting him.
"For you! I'm hoping you stir around enough shit with the truth that I provide, maybe you'll be given an opportunity to speak to a large crowd." He answers you, you look at him silently almost visibly nervous. "Does public speaking make you nervous? Didn't I see you yell at-"
"Yes," you cut him off, "I always will stand up for what's right no matter what, but thinking of speaking in front of large crowds makes me feel nauseous."
"Hey, I'll be there. I'm not just going to let you get consumed out there, I promise." He leans closer, and you can see his dark eyes through his mask. Full of sincerity and care, he may be awkward but he seems to genuinely care.
"Thank you, Anonymous. it means a lot," you lean your forehead against his mask. You don't know what it is about him but you... want him? He's got a strong mind and is polite to you... and maybe you're developing a mask fetish who knows.
"Alright, you ready y/n?" He asks, tilting your chin up to him like he did before. You nod and smile.

   You'd be sharing your views with the world, helping change the government and fix the inequality wronging people of colour for centuries... and you wouldn't be alone this time.


   You and Anonymous sneak out from the  alleys and slip discreetly into the crowd of protestors. The waves of people chanting, singing, and marching for what's right made you feel quite at home, but you couldn't wait till it was over, till there was no need to protest. You couldn't wait till justice was served.
   Feeling and nudge from behind you, the hooded figure you recognize forces several stacks of paper into your hands. You look them over and see the receipts anonymous leaked on twitter, the court documents tying Trump to events involving his ties to Epstein and the rape case connecting them.
   'Disgusting' you thought to yourself. Now you prepared yourself for the seemingly easy part, spread these like wildfire.
   You start to hand out the papers, giving context on what they mean and why it's important to let the world see, not let it be censored. Slowly you become more confident in yourself and what you were doing, practically screaming that the president is pushing the country into facism and that people are supporting the real criminal whilst accusing innocents exercising their rights in the process.
   People were hearing you, the media was definitely paying attention. You didn't know if that was exactly a good thing yet, but you'd find out eventually. You were doing work for Anonymous, and you promise yourself to find out some way to repay him for allowing you to be the voice the Hactivists needed.

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