What are Friends For?

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“Alright, where is he?”

Reaching the top of the steps, I met Alex in the doorway of the house the music from inside making me wince as it hit my ears.

“Out back” he called over his shoulder as he led the way inside.

Following him in, I sped up my pace in an attempt to keep up with his long strides. Built like a linebacker, Alex had the blessed gift of parting crowds no matter how large which is why I grabbed his hand to let everyone know I was going the same way. To be honest, I wasn’t surprised by the amount of people at the party; Alex was famous for throwing the best parties but that didn’t mean I wasn’t irritated.

“I tried to cut him off,” Alex called. “But you know he only listens to you.”

Leading me outside, he pointed across the yard to the far end of the pool allowing me to see Kit downing the last of his drink before tossing the empty cup aside.

“Thanks again.”

Kit was sitting on the steps, the fact he still wore his white undershirt letting me know he was probably too drunk to care. The group of girls surrounding him were trying their best to get his attention, but it was clear from his movements he was too drunk to notice. That didn’t stop them from trying in hopes they’d be lucky enough to be in his bed once the party ended.

I was out minding my own business, and actually having fun, when I finally decided to answer the fourth call from Alex. He needed me to stop by and pick up a very intoxicated Kit who was refusing to let him call a cab to take him home. Normally I was at the parties Kit went to, which meant I was able to stop him from having more than he should but tonight I wasn’t. I knew that Alex calling me was a last resort, which is why I dropped what I was doing and drove the hour to his house. It was the end of the semester which meant the entire class was here to celebrate.

Carefully making my way around the pool, I prepared myself for the hell that was going to be coming next before squatting down beside him.

“Kit!” I called over the music. “Kit! Hey!”

Ignoring the annoyed stares of everyone around him, I gently ruffled his hair.

"Nikki?" Tilting his head back at the action his gaze met mine, his eyes going in and out of focus as I yanked the fresh cup from his hand before taking a sniff.

"Whiskey, really?"

Sitting the cup aside I stood up before offering him my hand.

“Come on.”

He stared at it for a second before turning and ignoring it.

“You should get in-”

“Kit, just give me your hand.”

“Alright” he laughed before attempting to stand.

Catching his arm, I stumbled forward nearly falling into the pool but he easily caught me before joining me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, his confusion quickly subsiding as he let his eyes take me in. "You look…"

"Save it" I huffed lifting his arm and draping it over my shoulder before dragging him through the crowd and inside. "I fucking hate you. You know that?"

"Nuh uh" he chuckled as we struggled down the front steps. "You love me."

Rolling my eyes, I readjusted my grip around his waist as he tightened his grip around my neck before leaning over and placing a kiss against my cheek.

"I fucking hate you." I assured him, the fact he was making my dress and hair wet almost convincing me that I actually did.

"Well, I love you" he replied as I fumbled with my keys before unlocking the car door.

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