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If it isn't laughter,
then what is it?

That erupts from smile, 
infectious to spread-
which squeezes the eyes
and opens the heart. 

If it isn't laughter,
then what is it?

That eases the soul to rest
and says, 'C'est la vie!'
The wave which
washes worries away. 

A reminder of
the good old times
and happy moments
to come. 

If it isn't laughter,
then what is it?

Of a child's, that makes
the moment alive
My grandpa's, the wisest laugh-
that knew the secrets of my heart. 

Of that daughter's-
livening up the house, 
Of that son's-
full of naughty pranks. 

If it isn't laughter,
then what is it?

Which brings back memories-
some forgotten, some cherished
That laugh which
reminds me of you. 

Laughter is the sound
of life and hope-
The chuckle, the giggle, 
the chortle, the delight. 


7 June 2020 

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