Chapter 20 Chicken

Start from the beginning

Then unexpectedly, all of the single males had been called up. Evidently, in their continuous fight for everything equal, Percy had decided he would throw his boutonnière for all single males.

I hadn't gone, choosing instead to linger somewhat hidden by a tall white pillar. Unfortunately for me, Archer hadn't agreed.

He had started calling my name and searching for me. My unsuspecting self never felt Noah's approach. He had snuck up behind me, wrapped his arm around my neck in an affectionate choke hold, and that was what it had been, and pulled me up along with him. He hadn't hurt me but it was clear he had no intentions of letting go either. He had applied not so subtle pressure to get me moving to join the others.

To make it worse, he had led me straight to the front and stopped me dead center. Before anything else could get said, Archer had literally pitched the boutonnière straight at me. To my chagrin, I caught it. The person who never ever caught anything, caught the blasted thing.

There had been a lot of laughter and good-natured ribbing. Percy had winked at me while Archer flashed his big toothy smile. I could see how pleased he was with himself and I didn't have the heart, on his wedding day no less, to glare. Instead I had saved that for Branson when he had tried to tease me.

Lifting my head from its leaning position I glanced over at the boutonnière that now lay on my desk. My first instinct had been to throw it away. But a second instinct had kicked in out of the blue. An instinct created by the melancholy individual I had become yesterday as I watched two of my closest friends dance as they shared a union that had never once enticed me.

The individual was a little enticed.

I was a little enticed.

Thoughts of not being alone, no longer attending stag, sharing my life were starting to become more commonplace. Out of the blue and after one chance encounter my solitary life style seemed less enjoyable. Being alone had never felt lonely.

At least it hadn't.

Last night when I had come home from the reception my home, for the first time had felt empty. Cissero had greeted me with his usual affection but it had been different somehow. It hadn't been enough.

The house had been quiet and still.

I had talked to Cissero but there had been no response. A week ago, that hadn't bothered me at all. Last night it had. I was worried it would continue to do so.

My phone dinged. I glanced down to see it was a text from Pierce. We had not communicated since his phone call Thursday, when he had hung up angry with me. I hesitated before picking up my phone reading the message.

[Have you had a good weekend?]

I stared at the message. As I stared, I tried to pretend I wasn't feeling a growing surge of happiness at the simple sentence. Our call had ended abruptly when we last spoke. He had asked me out twice and I had declined both. At the back of my mind had been a nagging worry that there wouldn't be a third invitation. His texting me now gave me hope I was wrong.

I felt foolish for my wayward thoughts. I felt like a high schooler excited about a first date. A puff of laughter passed my lips as I accepted I kind of was.

This giddy nervous sensation in my stomach wasn't new. Anxiety had a way of creating an edgy feeling in my belly. But there was another feeling alongside this. A rushing in my blood I couldn't explain. It was a fizzy sensation that tickled me inside and out.

That was completely new.

And good, if not strange.

I held the phone trying to think what I should reply. A few minutes later, frustrated with myself and my dithering, I replied.

[Yes. Thank you. You?]

I hit send before giving it anymore thought though I wanted to kick myself after I did. It was one of the lamest things I think I had ever seen. In reality I didn't think there could really be a wrong answer to that kind of question, yet in my heart as I stared at it, I felt that was exactly what it was. Wrong.

Little wiggling dots appeared and I knew he was responding. I relaxed a bit. It was comforting to watch for some reason. And I waited to see what he would say.


I stared at the simple reply for a long minute then set my phone down. I tried to go back to my work but my mind lingered on that one word. It felt like the conclusion to the conversation and yet I felt compelled to respond but at the same time I had no idea with what.

Worst of all, I didn't know if he wanted me to.

I ran my hands through my hair, realizing I was long past due for a cut. My hair was thick and it lay perfectly as long as I didn't let it grow past a certain length. Once it did it became unruly like Mick's. Percy had asked me not to cut it before the wedding. He had told me multiple times the longer locks with my skin gave me a boyish charm. I had always insisted I was a man so that didn't sound like a good thing.

In the end it had seemed a simple request and since it was his wedding and his wedding pictures I had finally agreed. The textured fringe cut was becoming a mess now though and a trim was definitely in order.

My phone dinged another message and I reached more eagerly than I liked to admit. It was from Pierce again.

[I guess no one ever accused you of being too chatty.]

I bit at my lower lip as I reread the message. I wasn't sure if I was being teased or mocked or even if there was a difference. I also wondered what I was supposed to have said.

The truth was, he was right. I wasn't chatty. I was in fact, the complete opposite. To top it off I didn't know him very well and he was my boss. Those three things hindered my already weak communication skills.

With determination I took a small step outside my comfort zone and replied honestly.

[Not a big talker. And you're kind of an impatient guy. Didn't know what to say.]

I hit send before I could change my mind. I didn't know if that would make him mad. Most things I said or did seemed to end up making him angry one way or the other.

I swallowed as I awaited his reply. Any attempts at continuing to work were put on hold as I anxiously watched my screen.

He didn't keep me in suspense for long.


A chuckle escaped passed my lips before I could prevent it. Pierce Lucciano didn't seem the type to send laughing emojis. He screamed more mafia mob boss. I tried to imagine him sending other employees the same and I just couldn't quite see it.

Before I could continue to think about it a second message came in and I quickly read.

[I never know what to expect from you.]

I scoffed. Did he think he was an open book or something? I quickly replied.

[I think that's my line.]

[What you see is what you get.]

I blinked at the last message. Did he really just say that?

[I hope not!]

[What are you implying?]

I laughed outright. Did he really have no clue how he acted? The things he said the accusations he made, his eyes blue eyes flaring with innuendos and dirty thoughts not to mention his nasty temper.

But despite all that I found I couldn't send a response. I didn't want to say that to him. I certainly didn't want to bring them up in a text. Texts and emails could be read with inflections not intended by the sender. The words would sound harsh enough as it was.


I pressed my lips together as I waited for his response. I hoped he let it go. I hoped he wasn't mad already with what I had said. This relationship we were developing, or whatever you wanted to call it, was weird enough, confusing enough, difficult enough for me without delving deeper via text his snarky and difficult behavior.

My phone dinged.

Of all the responses from him I hadn't prepared myself for the one I got.


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