You've had this odd feeling before when you are around Kakashi, but you never paid it any mind. You haven't had friends in a long time, and you wanted to dismiss the sentiment was something normal, but you soon realized what you were feeling wasn't normal. It's clear to you now by the way he was full-on touching your hands.

"You think you got it?"

You quickly snap out of your thoughts and nod as you pull yourself away from your sensei. You couldn't handle the feeling of being near him anymore. If you hadn't pulled away when you did, you felt like your heart would burst.

"Show me."

You let out a concentrated breath and cracked your knuckles to prepare yourself. You preformed the hand signals just as Kakashi had shown you, and, as a result, you began to create various arrows from the electrical rays. You smile in satisfaction and look a bit of time to get familiar with maneuvering the arrows. The last time you did this, you were using your sharingan, but now, you were able to perform the move without mimicking anyone. You decided to release the arrows into a nearby tree and, upon impact, the tree obliterated, sending sharp pieces of bark to scattered around the remote forest area.

"Great. I knew you could do it (y/n)."

Kakashi pet the top of your head, and you giggled lightly at the sudden touch.

"Thank you, Kakashi-sensei. Your praises are dear to me."

Kakashi rubbed the back of his head nervously and lifted his hand from you.

"Y-yes, well, that has been enough training for today."

"Oh, alright. I'll be sure to let everyone know."

As you were about to turn away, you hadn't realized that Sasuke was behind you. He poked your shoulder to make his presence known, making you yelp in surprise from his seemingly 'out-of-nowhere' touch.

"Sasuke! Don't scare me like that!"

Sasuke smirked and poked you again and you repaid him by playfully pushing him away. Sasuke chuckled and then let his facial expression turn serious as he began to notice Kakashi's stares.

"(Y/n), Naruto and Sakura wanted to talk with you."

You nodded and bowed her head to excuse herself from your sensei's presence before running off towards your new-found friends.

'I wonder why Sasuke isn't coming with me?'


"Isn't (y/n) amazing? She's certainly improved more than I would have ever expected her to. I've done well training her."

Kakashi eyed Sasuke from the corner of his eye and nodded in agreement. His new pupil has become stronger from when she first demonstrated her abilities to him, and he'd be lying if he didn't admit he was somewhat impressed with his new pupil.

Kakashi reached in his back pocket, retrieving the latest edition of his favorite passion series, and flipping to the page where he last left off. He was only able to read the first few words in peace when Sasuke placed a hand over the book and used his other hand to point his index finger at Kakashi's face.

"I'm not blind like the others. Do not think I haven't noticed that you've changed since my sister has joined? Whatever you're thinking about having with her, stop it. Stop thinking about my sister in that light. You're her sensei, and you'll never be anything more to her as long as I'm still breathing."

Sasuke's words stung Kakashi, but not in the sense that they were hurtful, but in the sense that they were so vivid and blunt. Sasuke was never to type to be so upfront about his feelings towards anyone, and the amount of rage that is being fueled by the love for his sister is almost intimidating. Not that the jōnin would ever admit that to his blue-haired student.

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