And now here you were, reminiscing about the thoughts of your traumatic past in order to prepare to fight alongside your brother.

You shook your head and splashed a palm-full of water in your face, attempting to shake the thoughts of the past from your head.

'No more lingering in the past now! You have to make Sasuke proud!'

You rush out of the washroom and loudly race down the stairs, your steps pounding on the walls of the now noise-filled home. You check your side-pouch to make sure you have kunais on hand, and you feel relieved once you realize you have everything you need to train.

As you had expected, Sasuke was waiting downstairs near the front door, leaning and foot on the wall in his typical 'bad boy' stance. However, his stance did not match the expression on his face. He looked both impatient and nervous, and you could already tell why without having to ask.

"Sorry Sasuke, I was looking for my kunais."

Sasuke nodded silently and opened the front door for you, motioning to you and him to get going. You pause at the door nervously, fiddling your fingers at the sight of the morning sunlight.

"Thank you for letting me do this with you. I know you're worried that I won't live up to your or the clan's expectations, but I promise I will do my best to make you proud."

The look of sheer determination on your face and the words that sputtered nervously from your mouth caught Sasuke off guard. You were about to walk out the open door when Sasuke extended his arm so that his upper arm stopped you by your neck. You look up to meet your brother's soft expression, the same facial expression he makes when he is about to say something that would make him emotionally vulnerable.

"(Y/n), you know that isn't the reason I'm nervous. You will excel in today's training because I am the one who taught you everything you know," You smile and playfully roll your eyes at your brothers humblebrag. Even in his speech that is supposed to comfort you, he manages to include something to make himself look good. "I'm worried something will happen to you. I'm mortified at the thought of not being able to protect you like last time."

You wince at Sasuke's words, and the remembrance of the 'last time' you went outside sent a chill up your spine. Sasuke quickly pulled you into an embrace, sending your face crashing into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I-I shouldn't have worded it that way. But you understand now why I worry, right?"

You turn your head to look at your brother, and a small smile crept on your lips. You pull from his grasp only to go on your tippy toes to lightly kiss his cheek.

"I promise I'll be safe. Besides, it's only training to see if I'm fit enough for your team or not."

"Oh, you're going to be joining our team, I'll make sure of that. I don't care who I have to persuade, but you are not going to join any other team but Team Seven."

You giggled and moved away from Sasuke, grabbing his arm to pull him outside. Eagerness overtook your body with each step away from the door and into the outside world. Sasuke pulled himself away from your grasp and towards the still open door to your home.

"Hold on! At least let me close the door before we get a move on."

After locking the door, Sasuke returned to your side, extending his folded arm towards you like a gentleman in those American romance shows you watch. You at least you tried to wrap your hand around his bicep and begin walking to the training grounds. Sasuke made it clear whenever you were going to go outside through the village you were to grab onto him and not to let go of his arm. Although it made you feel like a child, you swallowed the little pride you had and obliged your brother's wishes. You would do anything if it meant you could fight and finally be free. You nervously glance at the floor to avoid the gazes of strangers and to distract yourself from the glares Sasuke directed at anyone who even dared to acknowledge your existence. You knew Sasuke meant well, but if he was going to act this way towards everyone you meet, you figured you would be friendless for sure.

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