Chapter 31 ♛ Reality House

Start from the beginning

"I like that idea." I grinned at the thought of scaring my best friend.

"Here." Kian said as he walked me over to the main entrance, "Hide behind Bobby. And when Jake sits down with his back towards you guys, we will give you the signal to go ahead and scare him." He explained.

"Okay." I whispered to him.

I patiently waited behind Bobby as Kian and Jc brought out the remaining group of contestants into the main living room. To be honest, I didn't know a single one of them other than Dom. I met him at one of the Traphouse parties way back when I first moved to Los Angeles. He was really sweet to me and seemed super cool even though we only had a brief conversation with one another. But the rest of them, I couldn't even make out who they were, and it's probably because I'm not really into the social media world.

A smirk crept onto my face once I saw my best friend come into view. Jc was ordering everyone to sit down, and Jake perfectly decided to sit down on the floor with his back facing me. Jc then distracted them by explaining the next challenge, while Kian waved me over.

I quietly tiptoed over to Jake, but I felt completely awkward in doing so, because everyone in the room other than Jake was eyeing me. Dom tried saying something, but Kian quickly told him to shut it without getting Jake's attention from it. I mean the boy is clueless, so this plan would obviously be easy to pull off on him.

I squatted down behind him with a small smirk plastered on my face. Everyone was trying to hold back their laughter, because Jake was oblivious to what was going on at the moment.

Leaning closer to his body without touching it, I hovered my mouth near his right ear, "Boo!" I screamed, causing him to face plant onto the floor.

"What the fuck?!" He yelled, breathless.

A howling laugh let my mouth as I fell onto my back, because I couldn't stop laughing at the way he reacted to my little surprise.

"What the...." He spat, "Atmosphere?" He breathed, looking at me in disbelief.

"Surprise!" I happily beamed.

He quickly engulfed me into a tight hug, "Jeez, I have missed you so much." He whispered, causing a small frown to replace my smile.

These days, Jake and I only get to see each other when we go on trips for Sam and Colby's YouTube channel. Other than that, he is usually out with Tara while I'm by myself at Colby's. He hasn't really tried making any time to see me, but I understand where he's coming from though. And I can't be mad at him for that, because he has his own life that he needs to live and enjoy. But I do miss being in his life.

He gently brought me back down onto my feet. I tilted my head slightly when I noticed that his earthy eyes were glossy and his face looked paler than usual.

"Are you okay, Jake?" I quietly asked him.

"I am now." He breathed, "I just really missed you." He admitted.

My lips formed into another pout before I gave him a tight hug, "Sorry for how things have been lately." I apologized to him even when I didn't need to.

"I don't want to be the asshole that ruins cute moments, but..."

"But you are being that asshole right now." Jc said, cutting Kian off.

"But, time costs money." He said, rolling his eyes, "So, come on, Jake." He added.

"You're not leaving, right?" Jake asked me.

"No, I'm going to stay here for a while, so I can watch you win, buddy." I beamed.

"Okay, good." He smiled before gently kissing my cheek.

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