chapter five ;

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I had spent majority of the day prior playing on the SMP server for hours beyond my usual limit. The stream was great in all sense, I bantered with Charlie as we did silly minecraft challenges and had a media-share battle with my viewers to try and get me to laugh. Just like Charlie, I was easily entertained and I had given in about 5 million times during the stream. But it took an emotional toll on my body, my social battery was pushed beyond its limits and I was utterly drained by the end of it, sleeping within seconds after I closed OBS and streamlabs and retrieved to the warm comfort of my own bed.

Today I woke up with a pounding headache and a craving for pancakes.. I didn't even know how to cook. My stomach got the best of me and I was now yelling at my chat for their heartless words on my clumpy excuse of a pancake mix as I got one of my moderators to create a strawpoll on which toppings I should add. The viewers were relentless, they insulted my batter and I feigned a look of sadness as I pretended to fake cry, blaming my chat for making me this way. After another 30 seconds of horrible fake-sobbing I look up and smile widely at my chat.

"You just got BOOFED! Fuck you chat!!!" I yelled, watching my chat go ape shit and spam the PogChamp emote. Sometimes they're quite gullible and slightly taking advantage of it for the sake of the laughs is quite entertaining. I'm interrupted by the ping of my special donation alert, I look on my phone and read it aloud.

"hey y/t/n! its so cool that you hang out with the lunch club, you're really funny.. funnier than charlie i might add. are you going to stream with any of them in the near future? more so when will u be streaming with schlatt?"

My heart rate rose slightly at the mention of Schlatt's name and I paused for a moment on stream while I tried to collect my thoughts and shook my head. What's up with my body all of a sudden?

"Hiii! Thank you so much for the dono and to answer your question; The boys and I were planning a cool little smp ceremony of sorts later this week, I'm pretty sure Schlatt will be there! Solo streaming with Schlatt though, I'm not entirely sure as we've got nothing planned out.. I'll have to hit him up and see where our schedules align, but I do have high hopes for a stream with him at a later time!" I smiled at my chat, watching as they went wild at the mention of schlatt. A mixture of "SCHLATT" and "GAYSCHLATT" were scrolling through the chat at a remarkably quick pace and I grinned at the camera. I quickly fixed my lopsided chef's hat and got back to work.

"Chat! I'm going to check out the poll now... oookayyy it seems that.. what the fuck??? Mods!!! Which one of you fuckers added piss to the list?!" I let out a laugh as the chat rolled in with an abundance of LUL emotes as my moderators spammed the word MonkaS, only heightening my laughter.

I stir in some chocolate chips in the batter while horribly dancing to the song being blasted from my speaker; Fortunate Son by Creedence. I look at the incorporated mixture and make my way to the stove area, bringing my phone with me so the stream can check out my professional flipping skills.

"Now chat, we all know the first pancake always comes out looking like utter shit so we're gonna start small. Our pancakes are having humble beginnings, oh my god... should we make them like a pancake family or something??? We totally should!" I move closer to my camera and squint to read the chat while they unanimously agree that I should do it.

"Okay chat I'm gonna do it!" I pour our a small portion of the batter and watch it slowly bubble and solidify on the bottom. "Awww look at our baby! We should totally name it.. chat give me some suggestions for our kid." I look at the names being spammed in chat and read some out before picking the perfect one. "Oh my god you're so right chat, dipshit is a perfect name." I pretend to wipe a tear from my eye and take a deep breath in and almost cringe immediately. My eyes open wide and I look down at the pancake before flipping it to reveal, a charred as fuck top. I let out a frustrated wail and alert the chat.

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