13 - unforgettable

Start from the beginning

her passing created a hole in both your and your brother's hearts that could never be filled. it was so sudden, so unexpected.

who knew she would commit suicide?

what hurt the most was you never got to say a proper goodbye. all you saw that day was her body being covered over before she was taken away.

her eyes were closed, pale face as peaceful as it had ever been. you were only six. you had no idea of the stresses she endured whilst living at that orphanage. you didn't understand.

b/n took it upon himself to protect you more so after that. he didn't want to lose you too. he couldn't. he would protect you until the day he died... and he did.

"gah!" you yelped as a knock sounded at your door.

subconsciously you crossed your arms, digging your nails into your biceps as you squeezed them. easing your tension you stood up and opened the door a little bit.

once you saw who it was, you swung the door wide open. "yaoyorozu." you sighed in relief.

"sorry, i didn't mean to startle you." she laughed apologetically.

you waved her off, composing yourself a little more. "it's alright." you smiled at her. "everything okay?"

she nodded. "mina has woken up."


"you're lucky it wasn't any worse than it was." you squeezed ashido's hand lightly.

she laughed a little. "i always pull through injuries." she smirked a little. "this one ain't any different."

you sighed, sitting back in your seat that sat next to her hospital bed. "your stomach was gashed."

"and," ashido pointed her thumb to her chest. "i pulled through like the queen i am!"

rolling your eyes, you passed her a glass of water. "you sure did. now drink up or i'll force it down your throat." you warned lightly.

"alright, alright! sheesh!" ashido quickly gulped down the water, sitting the empty glass on her lap as she sat up gently. "you seem different than your usual self." she noted.

you shrugged a little. "you getting hurt had me concerned."

"you seemed to have a dramatic flashback moment when i told you about that nomu." she retorted, golden eyes narrowing a little as they stared at you.

you looked away from her towards the door, standing up slowly. "you should rest up some more, mina."

she quirked a brow at you. "what's going on with you?" she frowned a little.

"i'm fine." you reassured, giving her a small smile as you looked at her over your shoulder. "i don't want to burden you right now."

"you won't be burdening me, y/n." ashido's voice suddenly changed to something much more gentle. she leant back into her pillow.

"please." you begged lightly. "now isn't the best time. i promise i'm okay."

you waited for her to nod. even though it was hesitant, it was an answer. you gave her a small wave and another brief comment to sleep before leaving the room, shutting the door behind you.

𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 | todoroki x reader [AU]Where stories live. Discover now