Chapter Five: What the Hell is Happening

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     Everyone else chimes back with a, "Yes sir."

     They begin their mission and pull their weapons, right before the location is in sight, team one holds and waits as the other team circles around the enemy. The signal is received a few minutes later and they advance. It's a complete ambush, the enemy has no idea that they are coming.

     Hyunijn shoots with deadly accuracy at anyone who dare raise their weapon against him, but never shoots a fatal blow, they may be the enemy but they're human too.

     There's a scream and Hyunjin whips his head around, two men are dragging a kicking and screaming Jeongin and Seungmin. The man on the left drops Seungmin when the boy manages to elbow him between the legs. He starts for them, eyes full of fiery rage.

     Suddenly, Hyunjin is tackled from behind, he had let his guard down.

     Hyunjin lands on his back, arms outstretched, gripping the other man's arms. The man tries to land a punch but Hyunijn moves his head to the side.

     The fist connects hard with the ground, right next to his ear. He pulls his leg up underneath him and shoves. The man goes flying, landing on his back. Before he has a chance to get back up, he pulls the man up by the front of his shirt and knocks him clean out.

     Hyunjin quickly turns around, eyes searching for Jeongin and Seungmin. He spots them a few yards from where he last saw them. They're being dragged to a vehicle. He picks his firearm up off of the ground and makes his way to the suv quickly.

     One of his members makes it there before he can so he relaxes a slight bit knowing that they'll be in good hands. He slows his run to a jog and holsters his weapon. Complete trust his team.

     He sees his member take hold of Seungmin's arm. Hyunjin's jog turns into a full sprint when the member from team two starts helping the enemy shove the two boys into the suv and shuts the doors.

     A traitor, in one of his highest ranks, he's in absolute shock.

     "Felix!" He calls to the closest member he can see and points to the suv. Felix is quick to catch on and shoves the man he was fighting away. Hyunjin stops running and pulls out his firearm. He blows the back tire before running again.

     He makes it to the suv at the same time Felix does.

     Felix elbows out the driver's window and rips the door open, he's quick to incapacitate the man, jumping across the seats towards the other enemy. Hyunijn tries to open the back door but it won't budge.

     He looks through the window, Jeongin's on the other side, hands pressed to the window, eyes teary and pleading. Hyunjin acts before he thinks.

     "Back up! I'm busting the window open!"

     He waits until Jeongin scoots back and covers his face with his arms. Once he shatters the window, he jerks the door open.

     The next thing he knows, he has his arms full of a sobbing Jeongin.

     He rubs his back tenderly, "I got you, you're safe now."

     Jeongin only clutches to him tighter, "I-I thought th-that you wouldn't be able t-to get here in time." Hyunjin shushes his stammering, "I'm here, bubs."

     He looks over Jeongin's shoulder at Seungmin who has silent tears running down his face. Hyunjin holds out his hand, beckoning Seungmin. He grabs his hand and he pulls him into the hug with him and Jeongin.

     Seungmin parts from them and wipes his tears. "Well, that was one hell of an experience."

     It gets all of them to laugh and a small giggle out of Jeongin. The rest of the team gathers around, all of the enemies taken down.

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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