4: You Belong With Me

Start from the beginning


Gwen smiles and makes her way over to Mila's bed. She plops down making Mila bounce up and down.

"Sorry I had to. That was an opportunity I couldn't miss."

"Yeah yeah. You know I thought siblings were supposed to be nice to each other. Simon and Howard prank me all the time, you scare me by using your creepy yet very realistic mom voice, and Phil that wack job keeps blackmailing me!"

"It's because we love you... and we love messing with you."

Mila makes a raspberry sound as she sticks her tongue out at Gwen. Gwen laughs and pushes Mila's shoulder.

"Seriously though, where were you? Mom and Dad were asking then Phil said you were home but didn't feel good. Yet when I came upstairs you were no where to be found."

Mila nods as she stands up and walks into her walk in closet. She starts to change in her pajamas as she continues talking.

"Yeah I was just at a friends house."

She comes out in a tank top and shorts then sits at her vanity, and begins to wipe off her makeup. Gwen makes a disgusted face as she looks at the back of Mila's head.

"Please don't tell me you were with..." Gwen makes a gagging sound as if she's going to throw up, making Mila smile.

"Flash? Hell no. Gwen how many times do I have to tell you? I'm not interested in nor will I ever be interested in Eugene." Mila chuckles, "We're just friends."

Gwen nods with a confused look on her face, "Well then why does everyone think you're dating? Does he know you guys are just friends?"

Mila sighs and stares at Gwen through the mirror before looking away, "Well I mean... yeah he knows. Everyone is just into everyone's business way too much... that's their fault not mine. And hey this fake relationship helps out a friend so it's not doing any harm."

"Okaaayyy... whatever that means. I won't dig though, it's your privacy."

Mila nods and continues to mess with her face as Gwen sits and watches.



Gwen shrugs, "How long do you plan on keeping the facade up? I'm sure Flash is smart enough to realize that you don't actually like him. And I'm sure at some point in your life a guy is going to come in, and you want him to sweep you off your feet, but he won't be able to because everyone thinks you and Flash are in a relationship. What if the guy who likes you is part of everyone who doesn't see it as a facade... he would probably never think to try and take you from Flash."

Mila freezes, "I see your point... I didn't quite think that out yet."

Gwen chuckles and shakes her head. Then she squints her eyes analyzing Mila's reddening face.

"Wait a second..."


"You already do like someone!"

"Ugh and you went there."


Mila turns around and looks at her with wide eyes, "Like I'm going to tell you! You'll go open your big mouth and blab."

Gwen pouts then shrugs, "Yeah that's true... very true. Okay well if you won't tell me who, just tell me about him. Or her I'm not judging."

Mila laughs, "Well sorry to burst your bubble but it's a him... he's really sweet, caring, thoughtful, smart, handsome, just everything."

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