Different Schools

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In Riverdale there are two schools
Riverdale High for Boys
Riverdale High for Girls
The two schools where built side by side to each other.

Betty and Veronica are best friends with Kevin Keller and Archie Andrews from the the neighbouring boys school and have grown up together.

Veronica is dating Archie and Betty has been secretly jealous of her two best friends relationship since they got together having had a crush on Archie since forever.

One day Archie is told to show a new boy round school. Jughead Jones, who quickly becomes the newest heartthrob of the girls school next door. When Betty Veronica Archie and Kevin are meeting for their regular Wednesday meeting at Pops Archie brings Jughead along.

Jughead was never interested in all the gushing girls who tried to talk to him, he liked being a more low profile character but the gorgeous blonde at pops definitely caught his eye.

None of archie Betty Kevin and Veronica's friends approved that they where hanging out with Jughead because he was a serpent and hung around with the wrong sort of people.

Betty is interested in the raven haired boy not enough yet to lose interest in Archie...yet.

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