Ch.2: Advice From Others

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Today I've woken up extra early before Ginny has so I can get to the mail. Even though I've encrypted the mail magically, it wouldn't take to much for Ginny to guess what it was for. I've been asking some of Ginny's family and friends for advice. I remember that it was pretty weird when we came out. Molly was surprised but proud, Hermione was bursting with joy, Ron was confused but was still as supportive as possible and Harry was extremely kind to us about it. The rest of the Weasleys had the same reaction as Molly, surprised but supportive and proud. I got some suggestions of flowers from Molly, some decorations from Hermione and Ron and tips on how to propose from Bill and Fleur. Harry's letter hadn't appeared to have arrived by owl yet. I take my letters and pay the owl.
"Luna?" I turn around sharply.
"What are you doing?" Ginny asks rubbing her eyes, her hair still tangled and messy.
"Nothing, " I say, putting the letters up my shirt to hide them. It was a great thing that Ginny was half asleep or else she would have seen the letters.
"Come back to bed with me, " she says coming over the chair and pulling on my arm, "I'm tired." I smile and follow her upstairs to our bedroom. She tiredly slumps under blankets and wraps her arms around my chest tightly. I gently pat her head and the train of thought my head starts working. She's adorable, her hair trailing behind her and her embrace is warm. What would she like? Would she like my ring? I knew she certainly deserves better than me but I'd hate to have her leave me. I look at the wall and suddenly an idea sprouts in my head. I could paint the wall in front of our bed to be my proposal! I could propose in front of it too. The idea was wonderful but how would I hide it? Simple, magic. The only problem is, I don't know any powerful concealment charms. "No matter, " I thought, "I can ask Ginny for one. Surely she won't ask me about it." The letters were getting uncomfortable so I put them in the bottom drawer of our nightstand. I thought for a moment only to realize that Ginny would try and undo my magic. I would have to research it myself. So as when Ginny woke up and planted a kiss on my forehead, I was sure to pretend to be asleep.
"Morning Luna-love." Ginny got up and walked to the door. When I didn't get up, she continued. As soon as I heard her footsteps trail away, I got up and flipped through the books on our shelf. I was reading through the spells when I found the perfect charm, the Disillusionment Charm. I practiced it a couple of times and tried it on the wall in front of our bed.
"Yes!" I yelled. Ginny ran up the stairs with a toothbrush in her mouth.
"Luna-love, are you alright?"
"Yes, sorry about that, " I blushed. Ginny looked around put her hands on her hips.
"What are you doing with those spellbooks?" I froze.
"Well, I'm planning something and I can't tell you about it, " I looked down at the floor.
"Then make sure I don't figure out about it, " Ginny smiled as she spoke, spilling toothpaste from her lips. I pointed and laughed. She blushed. I blew her a kiss and she spun around to go finish brushing her teeth. I let loose a sigh of relief. I practiced a couple more spells and went to get ready. I tied up my hair in a long ponytail and put yellow sunflowers in it. When I'd finished, I walked down the stairs and kissed Ginny go morning.
"What are you planning, " Ginny asked.
" I told you it was a secret, " I said. I grab a bowl of cereal for myself and eat it with Ginny. Ginny finishes faster than I do and grabs her Quidditch bag and her broom. She plays for the Holy Head Harpees and practices with them during the week.
"Goodbye!" Ginny said. She closed the door and now I was left alone. The garden is the first stop for me. I grab a copious amount of flowers and get set on making the paint. Hours later and it's lunch. I have the background in detail finished and dry. The background is our garden, covered with flowers. I step up and smile at my progress.
"I'll be able to finish it by the time she comes home, " I say aloud to myself. I get painting again. I paint Ginny, in all her beauty next to me, on one knee with the ring in hand. I make sure to have every detail in place. All of the advice is still floating around my head and I can't get it out. I hope the painting will be alright for decoration. Meanwhile, I'll have to find her another gift for her birthday since I know the radish earnings won't make up for it. I carefully paint everything perfectly and add a finale coat to the painting, I know I can't mess this up. Over the top of the painting, I write "Will you marry me" in curvy pink cursive I put more flowers in the foreground and wipe the sweat of my brow. I've decided that when she says yes, I'll put the answer underneath it to celebrate. I hear the door open, I spring to my feet and grab my wand. I mutter the enchantment just as the door to our bedroom swings open.
"Luna what are you doing? You're covered in paint, " Ginny says gently setting down her Quidditch bag and her broom. She comes over and looks around the room.
"What did you paint?"
"It's a secret, it's for you, " I say, sheepishly piling all my supplies together.
"Ok well, I'll be making dinner. Come down in a couple of minutes ok?" I nod.
"And don't show up covered in paint, please?"
"Yes, Ginny."
"Kay, love you." Ginny gently kisses my nose and walks out of the room.
"Love you, " I mutter.

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