1. The first look

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1. The first look

𝗔𝗨𝗧𝗨𝗠𝗡 𝗕𝗟𝗢𝗢𝗗 couldn't help the roll of her eyes as her youngest sister, Willow, ranted about her latest obsession, quidditch player Roman Turner. The oldest Blood sibling's eyes widened as she caught the sight of Mateo Fitzgerald and Cassius Thorne, she stood quickly, grabbing her trunk and dragging it towards the two boys.

"Mateo! Cas!" She threw herself into the arms of the two boys, who stumble back, Cassius laughs, wrapping his arms around the brunette.

"Alright trouble?" Cassius smirks, keeping his arm thrown around her shoulder.

"Me trouble? Sorry, who got detention for a whole month for sneaking a hippogriff into the Slytherin common room!" Autumn replies, he only chuckles in response.

"Poor serpents smelt of hippogriff shit for weeks" Mateo laughs, ruffling the hair on Willow's head, "Didn't enjoy it did ya?" He teases.

Willow rolls her eyes, pulling away from the trio, "I'm gonna go find my friends" She huffs, pushing her cart.

"By friends do you mean your crush Roman Turner?!" Autumn shouts, gaining the attention of many, Willow shakes her head, flipping her middle finger in the direction of her older sister.

"Crushing on Turner? She has such weird taste" Cassius shrugs, as the three Ravenclaws begin to board the Hogwarts Express.

"Well what do you expect when her older sister banged James Potter?" Mateo replies, as Autumn rolls her eyes, elbowing him in the ribs.

"What? It's true!" He laughs.

The trio's laugh is cut off as Autumn comes to a stand still, her eyes settling on James for the first time in months, following behind him his three lost puppy's in the shape of Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew.

"Well, it's nice to see him with his trousers on for once" Mateo points out, making Cassius whack him up the head.

"Want me to knock him out?" Cassius asks, watching as the brunette continues to walk the tight hallway.

"He's fine" She mutters, running a hand through her hair.

The three Ravenclaws move to the left as the Gryffindors begin to pass them, Cassius glaring at James whilst Mateo flips him the middle finger - all with no knowledge from Autumn.

"Autumn" James pauses, his lips forming a smile as he says her name, his hazel eyes lingering on her.

"Potter?" She retorts, meeting his gaze with a harsh glare, he simply grins at her before continuing to walk through the hall.

"Prick!" Mateo shouts down the hall, resulting in a smack on the ribs from Autumn.

"What?" He squeals, putting his hand up in surrender.

"Not needed" She hums, entering the trio's usual compartment, a sigh escaping her lips.

"But true" Cassius adds, as the brunette glares up at him.

"Not helping" Autumn tuts.

The three fall into silence, as they sit in the compartment, each reading a book of their own favourite genre, Autumn with a poetry book from the 40's, Cassius a study book on Astronomy and Mateo a thriller about a Norwegian killer on the loose.

The trio's time on the Hogwarts Express didn't feel too long, as they pulled into the station, Autumn let's out a yawn, putting her book away into her bag.

"Come on, losers" She jokes, entering the hallway, "Shit! Sorry!" She shouts, falling into the arms of her fellow classmate, Slytherin, Regulus Black.

"Y'alright, Blood?" He questions, pulling the girl to her feet, who blushes instantly.

"Sorry, Black" Autumn replies, brushing her hair out of her face.

Regulus only chuckles, continuing to walk down the hallway, the Slytherins following him.

"I have a feeling this year is gonna go to shit" Autumn groans, leaning on Cassius who laughs, running a hand through her hair.

"Oh honey, nothing can beat last year" He replies, ruffling her hair.


Autumn follows Cassius' lead, Mateo at her side, as they head into the main hall, taking their seats at the Ravenclaw table, she slams her elbow on the table, placing her head in her hand.

"Autum! Darling, how are you? Merlin, I've missed you, it's felt like forever hadn't it?" Pandora March smiles, placing her hand on top of Autumn's.

"Oi! Blood! Heard about ya' split from our Potter, if you ever want a real loving, you can always knock on my dorm" Kingsley Shacklebolt winks, sat at the bottom of Ravenclaw table.

"Sod off, I'd rather shag Snape" She retorts, a fake smile on her face.

The table erupts in hoots, gaining the attention of all other three tables, Sirius Black turns to the table, standing on his bench, "Come on, Shacklebolt! No one wants sloppy seconds" He laughs.

"Yeah, honey, you'd be lucky to have me now" Kingsley smirks, as the hall erupts in laughter once again.

"Want me to knock him out?" Mateo asks, glancing at Autumn.

"I've learnt a really good hex over summer-" Cassius adds.

"Don't call me 'Honey', you are lucky to get a single girl to touch you - and she wouldn't be half of me, so keep your loud mouth shut Shacklebolt before I hex it shut" Autumn glares, as the hoots only get louder, she turns to Sirius, "and you can go fuck yourself, Black" She sits back down.

"I have never seen a fiesta Ravenclaw, not like that" Evan Rosier chuckles from the Slytherin table, sipping at his coffee.

"You've gotta' be kidding right? Ravenclaws are full of highly opinionated jerks" Rosie Markinson scoffs, cutting up her dinner.

"She's Potter's ex, right?" Regulus glances at her, looking as she runs a hand through her tousled dark hair.

"Yeah, she's alright though, tutored her once in Potions plus Evans seems to like her" Severus shrugs his shoulders, not bothering to look up.

"Oh she's funny, a bit of a dickhead but nice enough" Rosie agrees, stealing a chip from Evan's plate.

"Oh yeah, and how do you know?" Evan quizzes.

"Worked with her in potions, which I agree she's shit at" Rosie laughs, as Regulus gives her a small smile.


"Are you gonna be alright?" Cassius glances at Autumn, Mateo at her side.

"I'm fine, Cas', just a bunch of knobs, I'm a big girl remember" She smiles, pressing a kiss to both their cheeks before standing.

"Love you!" She shouts, beginning to walk up the stairs to the girls dorms.

"Love you too" The boys mutter, watching her with weary smiles.

Autumn makes her way up the stairs, happy to be back in her own dorm room, a sigh escaping her lips as she jumps onto her bed.

"Are you okay?" Pandora questions, watching the girl.

"I'm fine, 'Dora, just tired" She smiles, curling around her pillow.

"Oh, well, night then"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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