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Mentions of torture and abuse
Third Person POV
After Tony had confiscated Red Wing and Clint's arrows for the week, the Avengers had gathered together for dinner.

Steve was cooking, who would miss out on that?

Peter was once again in Bucky's lap because they hadn't gotten the chance to buy him a high chair. It's not like the soldier minded, the kid was adorable and gave off a lot of heat. Bucky hated the cold after falling off of the train, so anything warm made him feel safe. And since Peter was practically a human furnace it was a win-win.

Peter was halfway through a bite of dino nugget (he tried the pasta stuff Steve cooked to be nice but Bucky saw how green he went and stuck the nuggets in the microwave) when FRIDAY made an announcement.

"Boss, Pirate Man is attempting to contact you. Should I let him through?"

An alarming amount of groans were heard around the room at that moment.

Peter was just excited. He could meet a pirate!

He was determined to drive his ship.

While Peter was bouncing excitedly about meeting a 'pirate' Steve was trying to convince Tony to answer the call.

"Tony, it could be an emergency."

"Are you saying me being hungry isn't an emergency?"

"You being hungry isn't the end of the world."

"Well apparently you've never seen me hungry."

They bickered for a few more minutes until Tony begrudgingly answered the call. He was eating Steve's food off of his plate as he did it, but Cap knew to choose his battles.

A hologram of a man in a black trench coat and eye patch appeared in front of the table, and Peter almost passed out.

"Oh my Odin, it's a real pirate. I hope I can see his ship," he whispered up to Bucky.

He tried not to laugh, he really did.

But he still ended up cackling, and Nat snickered from where she was sat beside them. They only laughed harder when Fury glared at them.

"What is so funny, Romanoff?" he asked angrily.

Natasha was a bit offended that he asked her and not Barnes when he clearly started it, but she answered anyways with a simple, "Nothing, sir."

Fury glared one more time before beginning his spiel, pacing while doing so. "There have been rumors of a Hydra base functioning somewhere in Queens. According to reports, they have been doing some sort of human experimentation, similar to Strucker's experiments." The twins tensed at that. "We don't know if any of the experiments survived, but considering the looks of the place, I doubt any have. I need a team of you to go there first thing in the morning, take as many people as you feel necessary based on the information I send you. Good luck."

Tony sighed dramatically. "I didn't even get to ask him if that was a new haircut."

Steve was too distracted by the tablet in his hands to scold him. "The intel was just sent. Tony, can you get it to the big screen?"

"Sure, grandpa," he quipped before easily swiping the images from the tablet onto the holographic screen in front of them.

Everyone was focused on reading and digesting the information except for Peter.

There was a symbol on the screen. An octopus with its tentacles spread out. It was everywhere in the building he used to be kept in. On the equipment, his clothing, even him. They had branded him with the symbol on his back, right on his shoulder blade.

Peter shakily pressed his hand to the brand. Nat had helped him change clothes his first day at the tower, but he had kept his back facing away from her. He was scared she would think he was a disgrace if she saw the brand on his skin.

He could still remember getting the stamp. Peter had refused to kill during his training, so they brought him into his punishment room. They strapped him down and made him watch as they stuck the healing factor-pausing metal in the fire. Made him watch through a mirror as it was shoved onto his skin. If he closed his eyes, a scalding hot metal rod was pressed against his arm. It was the worst punishment Peter had ever gotten, worse than even the freezer.

He didn't realize he was shaking until his throat closed up. Peter tried to breathe, tried to grab his throat with his hands only to see them trembling. He couldn't see, his vision was covered with black spots.

What if they got him what if they got him what if they got him what if they got him what if they got him

He couldn't go back, he couldn't do it again. They couldn't do that to him again, it hurt it hurt it hurt it hurt it hurt.

But here he had Nat and Bucky and Tony and Stephen and Clint and Sam and everyone and there he had no one and he couldn't have no one he couldn't he couldn't he couldn't he couldn't.

He couldn't do it again.

Nat and Bucky saw him shaking. They tried to help him, tried to get him back, but he had succumbed to his panic before they could keep him from sinking.
My petey baby is so saaaaddddd it makes me saaaaddddd even though it's my faaaauuulllltttt.

t or haw

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