It Wasn't Enough

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Our lips mould together sloppily, gasping for air and coughing from the smoke but we don't separate.

"EMERGENCY!" Boden comes through the radio once again, "SQUAD 3, TRUCK 81, ENGINE 51!" He yells. "IF YOU CAN HEAR ME TAKE COVER ANYWHERE THAT YOU CAN!" He instructs, "WE'RE ABOUT TO OPEN UP THE WATER CANNONS!" He warns as Kelly and I finally pull away.

Faces covered in soot.

If they open the water cannons then there is a chance we can get out of here.

Putting on Kelly's mask before putting my own on, breathing in the oxygen rapidly to make up for when we were without our masks.

I rush to the door, ripping it off it's hinges before rushing back

"Get down!" He pulls me down as I cover his body with mine, laying the door over us while he wraps his arm around my neck to make sure that no skin is visible underneath our jackets as we brace ourselves.

"Water cannons go up in 10!9!" Boden starts counting down, eyes shut when he reaches 1.

We can hear the water cannons activated, the hot steam burns us but we stay in place until the fire is put out.

"LEWIS! LIEUTENANT!" We only move when we hear Capp's voice in the corridor after the water cannons stopped. "IN HERE!" I throw the door off us and rush to help them move the beams to get inside.

"Help me lift the shelf!" I instruct, not wasting any time.

Kannell, Capp and I lift the shelf just enough for Kelly to pull himself out from under.

"Oh thank God!" I rush over to him to help him stand up before pulling him into my arms, not wanting to let go. His arms wrap around me just as tight and this is the only comfort that I need. 

The only place I feel safe.

"Okay, let's get out of here!" Capp and Kannell leave first.

"Chief! Squad 3 in route to the exit!" Kelly calls into the radio while I wrap his arm around my shoulder to help him walk. "Severide! Thank God! And the others?" Boden sighs in relief, "Lewis, Kannell and Capp are all good" he answers.

"Copy that!" Boden replies, "Evacuate immediately!" He orders and we do so.

Once we are at the exit, Kelly pauses and I look at him with a questioning gaze but all my questions disappear when his large hand wraps around mine, our fingers interlocked. 

"You said we are leaving here hand in hand" he reminds me, "hand in hand" I nod, smiling through my mask.

"By the way, this counts as 7-5" I remind him of our score, "I'm catching up" I joke, "yeah we will see about that" he tugs me closer to him. 


It has been three months since the warehouse fire and only now is the firehouse starting to feel normal again since a lot has happened. 

Mouch survived his heart attack in the warehouse, all thanks to Hermann and we are all excited to have him back since today is his first shift. 

Casey also survived being trapped in the warehouse and since he sacrificed his mask to save a victim, he is being awarded a Medal of Valour. I definitely remind him all the time that I received mine before him but he definitely deserves it. 

Cruz's suspension has come and gone and he handled it really well, deciding to see it as a positive and spend more time with Jess, their relationship has never been stronger and I am so happy for them. 

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