Chapter 4: The Battle Begins

Start from the beginning

She wants me to be with Inuyasha? Why would she give up her spiritual form? I guess she wants Naraku gone that badly...

Meanwhile with Inuyasha...

Miroku POV

"Where are we now?" Shippo asked in slight tears.

"I think we are in hell," Sango answered him.

"Well smart-ass, where to now?" Inuyasha asked me with a cocky attitude.

"I have a feeling she is near here, can't you smell her."

He sniffed around us, "You're right, but it's very faint. This way!" Inuyasha pointed right.

We followed him there waiting for him to slow down.

"A-AGH!!" I screamed.

My knees fell to the ground.

"Miroku!" Inuyasha and the others said in sync.

I kept shouting, my was in enormous pain. It was sharp like a knife. What was happening to me? My heart thumping and racing faster and faster. Suddenly, a gust of wind picked up, so I unwrapped my covered hand and my wind tunnel was there. After all that time of getting rid of it, its now in my palm once again.

No I really couldn't move.

I was stunned...

Inuyasha POV

"Miroku! Damn it..." I ran towards him quickly.

His ears were oozing blood. The blood was dark red, almost black. He started holding his wrist with a tight grip and would not let go. I looked at his hand, the wind tunnel was back. I guess that bastard Naraku was truly alive.

Miroku covered his wind tunnel back up and stared at Sango, "It's back and I'm afraid I might die this time."

"Shut up Miroku. Don't talk like that, we're gonna beat him again!"

Everyone was looking at me with weird smiles on their face.

"What the hell are ya looking at?" I yelled.

They look back down and we continued to run but Miroku was on Kirara's back.

"Guys look!" Shippo screamed.

I look along with the others and see the shikon jewel through a ripped area of hell. It seemed to be a portal.

"How is that thing here?" Sango asked me.

"But, me and Kagome destroyed that thing," I said quietly.

Miroku struggled to sit up, "Either way, we must get to Kagome."

Kagome POV

Kikyo's hands were shaking slowly as they cupped together.

"K-kikyo..." I stuttered.

She glanced at me, "What?"

I wanted to ask her if she really wants this, to die because of me!

I was interrupted as Naraku came back towards us bouncing off the barrier once again, but he was persistent.

I suddenly levitated in the air, my hair rising up along with the rest of my body.

"W-what's going on?" I questioned.

"I am ready to leave this world, once and for all," Kikyo said.

Her body was fading away, as part of her soul and power slammed into my body. My eyes went blank and I was now vulnerable.

Shippo POV

Sango, Miroku, Inuyasha, Kirara, and I went towards the rip and analyzed it closer.

"Can't you smell Kagome anywhere?" I asked Inuyasha.

"I kinda can, but it is very faint," he told me.

Miroku struggled to get up,

"Let's get to her."

That's when, the portal was shrinking!

"We gotta go through now!"

I shouted, while pointing at the rip.

We all jumped through.

Inuyasha POV

I was prepared to fight and grabbed my sword. My foot landed on the ground and I look up at Naraku, what a disgusting looking bastard. I see Kagome! K-kikyo? She had a tear run down her cheek,

"Inuyasha..." Kikyo disappeared and Kagome fell to the floor.

"Kagome!" I yelled running straight towards her. I picked her up and held her close.

"Kagome! Kagome wake up!" I yelled.

Sango POV

I looked at Inuyasha holding Kagome, so she looks alright. I looked at Miroku, he didn't look like he could move anytime soon. That's when, I see Naraku race towards Inuyasha with his mouth wide open.

I reacted, "Hirakotsu!"

I threw my boomerang at his head and stoked it clean off.

The head rolled on the ground with blood gushing out, as the rest of the body crashed on the ground.

"Was that really all it took?" Shippo asked me.

I didn't have time to answer because Miroku chimed in, "No she was merely buying Inuyasha time to get Kagome out of the way."

Miroku slowly stood up and propped his body on my shoulders,

The body twitched while moving back upward, and the head grows back at a quick pace.

Inuyasha had Kagome safe in his arms, luckily.

Inuyasha POV

"Kagome! Kagome wake up!"


I hugged her knowing she was alright.

She woke up in panic.

"Where's Kikyo?! Where's the bow?!"

She moved her hands frantically around her.

I held up something covered in flowers, "This thing?"

She snatched it from my hand and kissed my cheek hugging me,

"I'm glad you came, Inuyasha..."

"W-we don't have time for this!" I blushed.

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