You're LATE!

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The front door clicks shut as the nerd strolls in, nearly an hour later than he should be. I got so bored I decided to watch some TV. It's some lame, homo-looking anime about swimming. (They're kinda hot, tho...) He takes off his shoes, clattering around loudly in the entranceway for almost a whole minute. As soon as he walks in, everyone on screen decides to act extra gay.

"Hey, Kacchan." He ruffles my hair. A boy stares longingly at the pool while his friends chatter about some nonsense. "Eh, wait... isn't this-? Itai!" I roughly bump his chin and he bites his tongue. I tell him to stop being noisy: my eyes never leave the screen. "That's mean. Is Kacchan actually interested in this? Your eyes are glued--"

The boy suddenly starts stripping down and throws himself in the pool. The nerd starts blushing. "I'm only here for the hot boys." His jaw drops; he calls me vulgar. "Well, I am. I especially like this brown haired one with the droopy eyes and the broad shoulders." I pause it, admiring the green eyed guy on screen. "He's way more handsome than you." He's absolutely shocked. "Oh, but he's also an obnoxiously sensitive, overly enthusiastic, fragile girl that's scared of everything, so he does reminds me of you."

Deku grabs my chin and makes me look at him. He's looking at me with such a butthurt expression. "Why are you provoking me so much today? Do you want to make me lose my temper?" His eyes are intense and so very green. I don't say anything. Those stunning emeralds of his suddenly soften. "Ah, you're upset because I came home so late." He lets go of my face. Finally! My jaw is sore...

Wait. "Upset? I'm not upset, I couldn't care less about whether or not a useless dummy like you comes home on time." How did he notice?! Ahh, I'm embarrassed. I was so upset I almost called him! Me, call him! How desperate. He sighs and sits beside me. "I hardly noticed you were almost a whole hour late," I spat in a low voice. As much as I hate to admit it, even to myself, I really missed his annoying cheerfulness.

He smiles brightly all of a sudden and hugs me. "Aw, you really did miss me! Kacchan!" What? When I pushed him away and asked if he was deaf or just retarded, he just looked at me and kept smiling. "If you know I was 'almost a /whole/ hour late,' that means you were nervously checking the time while I was away. How cute~!" BLUSH. "Almost a /whole/ hour! How unbearable!" He laughs at my embarrassment.

I put my hand over his face. "I'll blast that shit-eating grin off your stupid face." He keeps laughing away. Damn it. I push his face away and he wipes tears from his eyes. He says 'almost a /WHOLE HOUR!/' and keeps cackling. "It's not fuckin' funny. I had to hold off on cooking dinner because of you." His chuckles slowly subside and he stares at me. What, what? ...Did I say something nice on accident again?

"Kacchan, you waited for me? Aren't you hungry?" Before I can finish saying 'no way in hell,' my stomach growls. He snorts. "You could've just made it and put it in the fridge. Aren't we usually finished eating by now?" I growl, making some dumb excuse about how I knew he'd bitch about it if I ate without him and how stuff only tastes good if it's fresh. He giggles. "Okay, okay. I believe you. What did you have planned, anyway?"

I can't say that! He'll just make jokes about how I'm so cute and considerate. Ugh, whatever. The only thing I hate more than compliments is not getting complimented. "...Katsudon." He immediately starts up with the 'Aw, Kacchan!' and 'Because it's my favorite?!' and 'I love that about you.' I tug on his shirt and get up in his face. "Not so fast. I didn't eat dinner because of your shitty uselessness. You caused this, so take responsibility."

He's pink. "Wah, Kacchan! That's so sexy~ Say it again- take responsibility!" He seems like he's ready to start laughing away again. I tell him to go die, and he kisses me. His hand slyly creeps to my wrist and removes my hand from his shirt, then he holds my hand like some chick in a shojo manga. His hands are kinda coarse and warm and- ...actually, it's not bad.

He pulls away, opening those beautiful eyes of his. "I'll help you cook it today, so please don't stay mad at me for being late like this." He really is too sweet for me. I don't know how our relationship stayed this good for so long, but I... 'I don't deserve you.' Shit! I immediately shut my mouth; where did that come from?! His eyebrows jump. He squeezes my hand. "Don't say that. Just because you've got a terrible personality and-" Hey! "Just because people are intimidated by your... lack of social graces doesn't mean you don't deserve to be loved."

He gently kisses my cheek. Why is he-? "Stop sparkling so damn bright, nerd." I turn away, covering my eyes. He smiles. That honestly hit me right in the heart. ...I'm blushing. "I didn't mean to say something like that out loud. It's awk- annoying to talk about feelings." He keeps smiling at me. Kira kira... kirai. He pats my head and says, 'it's okay to be embarrassed.' "As if! I'm just annoyed! It's a pain that my words get all jumbled when you-"

[Sfx: Digging his own grave]

He looks taken by this. 'Shy Kaccha-' "Shut up." He still looks happy, though. "Let's hurry up and cook so I can eat and go to sleep." I stand and try to walk away, but he hugs me around the waist. 'I'm sorry I made you worry.' I pat his head and tell him I'll blow him up if he doesn't move in three seconds. He immediately let go. He didn't see how hard I'm blushing. /Damn, I'm gay/

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So that's the story. How do you feel about it? Part Two? I'll probably make one. I'd like to try writing the next scene where they would be cooking together♡ That would be so cute!😭 Anyways, I put a lot of emphasis and such because I feel like that's how everything would look in Kacchan's head; all loud and jumpy and irritating XD

Also, I heard that his voice actor [Nobuhiko Okamoto, if you didn't know] was supposed to get vocal surgery?! Honestly, Bakugou is probably one of the most difficult characters to voice, poor baby! T_T I'm sure the surgery has already happened, and he's definitely going on hitas after something like that.

That was kinda off topic 😅. That's okay. Anyways, I tried something new, so hopeful it came out nice! I'm kinda loving writing from his perspective, I feel like a bad bitch honestly XD XD Yeah... anyways, thanks for reading all the way to here, wow!

So yeah. Comment or whatever for part two! Hopefully someone reads this... 👉👈 Does this count as fluff when he threatened to blow Deku up three or four times? Well, probably XD

. . . Boop.

Okay, that's enough rambling.

Thanks; Bye! 👋😪

I luv u ♡

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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